Bail Me Out

Dear Federal Government,
I would like to join the troubled asset relief program. My trouble is I ain’t got no assets but I do have some debt I would like relief from as would the millions of low income people in this country and all the people who are losing their jobs. My debt is miniscule and won’t even make a dent in the 700 billion you will be splitting up among major corporate institutions. In fact I think to pay off my total debt would only constitute…my calculator won’t even hold that many zeros so I can’t figure out the micro percentage. I can use the money to re-organize, re-tool, or even hold on to it for awhile before dispersing it to friends. Being poor requires resourcefulness and I got plenty of it so even $10,000 would go a long way with me. Just in case you can’t fulfill my request I think I will be heading to my HR Department tomorrow to change my withholding status to exempt.
Broke in Los Angeles

Brooklyn and Boyle, Now Out!

Subtitled “Art & Life in Boyle Heights and Beyond”, the first issue of Brooklyn & Boyle is now out and probably available somewhere near you. Published by Abel Salas of Ombligo Sereno de la Luna, this first printing shows a promising start for this paper that bases itself around a part of the city many of us either live in, work in, or still care about; that ignored area East of the river. At a slim 12 pages it still packs in a long piece by Luis Rodriguez recounting some memories of Boyle Heights, Claudia Huerta giving her take on changes in BH and warning that we not lose “our essence”, a guide to Dia de Muertos celebrations, a bit of poetry, and even a piece that was first featured here on LA Eastside!

There was a small stack of copies at Metro Balderas this morning and there might still be some at Tropico de Nopal if you are west of the river. Just keep your eye out for them, it’s worth a read!

The East Los Angeles Classic

It’s that time of the year again, grab your blankets, put on your schools colors and make your way to East Los Angeles College this Friday for the 74th Annual East Los Angeles Classic. 74 freaking years !!!!! It astounds me that Roosevelt and Garfield have been going at it on the football field for that long. For seniors at both schools, this is THE GAME to win. Last year Garfield lost after beating the Rough Riders two years in a row. You can almost literally feel the electricity in the air from both the players and the fans.

74 th Annual East Los Angeles Classic

Friday, November 14, 2008
East Los Angeles College
Frosh/Soph Game: 4:00 PM – Varsity Game: 7:30 PM


$12 General Admission

$10 Presale to Students ONLY

Children Under 3 Free

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The student becomes the master.


Now that I’ve done my community service.

I always said if America got to the point where we had a president of other than white descendent that I would never do that thing where I refuse to even entertain the idea that people who look like me could be jerks, well that day happened last Tuesday and I also think I can probably ice skate in hell.

Black people we need to talk. I am not excusing the total racist, vile crap that has come out since Prop 8. That’s not right.

BUT…70% of black people voting yes on a prejudice law. Now I understand that we are not magical or special or fantastical, but god damn are we stupid?

  Continue reading

Pour a 40

I don’t normally report on other blogs, but I feel that this bit of news is of importance to many of our readers. One of my favorite bloggers out there in Blogtitlán, the Militant Angeleno, seems to have gone the way of the L.A. City Nerd. Yep, the Militant’s blog is now readable by invite only. It’s odd because his last post was on Election Day and didn’t leave a goodbye. I was looking forward to a celebratory post from the Militant on Measure R and Prop. 1A, but his silence was deafening. His YouTube and Facebook pages are still up, though, with a simple “…” status. Maybe the Militant felt the need to go undercover after the election?

Whatever the reason, I’m hoping to see the Militant’s pixels once again. If not, let’s pour a forty for a fallen Militant.


Overheard on the Metro to the ANSWER rally against hate.

You mean not everyone gets a seat on the train?

Followed five minutes later by,

Anybody want to buy candy from me?  I got Snickers and M&Ms.  I also have condoms–just 25 cents.

She only sold the condoms.

Report From The War Front

No On 8 Demonstration-November 8, 2008, Silver Lake, CA


The supporters and opponents of Prop 8 include diverse backgrounds and agendas. Tonight’s demonstration inspired some thoughts regarding the religious based opposition to legalizing same sex marriage. Continue reading

The LA Times’ Institutional Racism. Black peoples public lynching courtesy of the LA Times.


My figurative image of what the LA Times is doing to the Black Community.

Feelings on Prop 8.

I’m upset that it did pass. Gay rights is a civil rights issue. I am not surprised that it passed, but that doesn’t stop me from being pissed about it.

I’m also angry about how the LA Times focus in regards to this seems to be just on black people. Just in this wide swath. Why aren’t we divided into different demographics like educated or Christian or blue collar? Why are we not individuals like how white people are viewed as individuals in the LA Times?

Kevin Roderick LA Observed (a long time comrade of people at the LA Times) makes a point to say 70% of the black population voted for Yes on 8 (over and over and over again), but fails to point out that we are six percent of California.

But on the other hand he doesn’t link one blog by an African-American writer (I’m pretty sure that was on purpose), though he does link blogs that talk about African-Americans celebrating, in African-American sections of LA after the Obama win.

If the black issue was such a concern to him then why not at least do that.

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Botanitas: November 7, 2008

The vato that time forgot? Nah, just another incarnation of the classic cholo/skater look.
Dia de los Muertos at Self Help Graphics.

Botanitas is an ongoing feature bringing you stories and news from various sources, upcoming events and other bits of ephemera that might be of interest to LA Eastside readers. Suggestions welcome!

Last minute weekend edition, click thru for events!

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