Surviving La Crisis: Sidewalk Surfing

La Crisis is making simple things hard and transportation is a crucial part in anyones life. Whether we get around in cars, the public limo or even bicycles, finding alternative modes or transportation can be difficult. So some of us have no choice and can’t go to work without driving there. Some of us however do have the luxury of riding the bus, bicycles or my favorite, a skateboard. Like a bicycle, a skateboard is a cheap, inexpensive mode of transportation that relies on you, the rider. Continue reading

Calling all [whatever is the preferred P.C. term because I’ve received complaints about the original name]!

I’m in college and I am writing a research paper for a class on America in the 1950s. After giving it much thought, I’ve decided that I want to write it on Mexican women in Los Angeles County in the 1950s. If you know any women who lived or grew up in Los Angeles anytime the 1950s, let me know because I’d like to interview a few for this research paper!

What exactly am I looking for in these interviews? I want to ask about what they did for fun, their jobs (and if they ever felt any barriers in attaining jobs), the role community groups served in education, politics, job attainment, and other details. I am especially interested in anyone who moved around in the 1950s and why they did it.

I know some of you are anonymous, but don’t worry about that. You don’t have to tell me your relationship to the person I interview, I’d just like names and contact information. Contact me over at my site’s contact page.

EDIT Oct. 15, 2008: I forgot to mention this, but it is not relevant if they were born in Mexico, Los Angeles, or some other part of the United States. If they are of Mexican descent and were raised or spent part of the 1950s in Los Angeles, I am interested in interviewing them. Interviews would probably occur face-to-face in late-December or over the phone.

Image taken from UCLA’s Digital Collection.

He’s with the band

The Roosevelt High School Marching Band was seen on Broadway for Sunday’s Desfile de la Hispanidad en Los Angeles parade. According to the Rough Riders blog, the band went through a transition with the retirement of C-Track Music Instructor Mr. Martinez, and now directed under Dr. Gindin. Rough Rider blogger adds:

“She’s has being working really hard with the students, and this year, she managed to prepare a field show for halftime for the 1st Game. Other years, the Band usually wasn’t prepared for a half time and had to wait until about the 2nd or 3rd game. The music has gotten much better, and this will only continue.”

English and Journalism teacher Mr B. Gertner throws down a halftime gauntlet in the comments by writing the real challenge for The Band is The Classic being held November 15. The Gertner adds  “Looking forward to your savage demolition of the Garfield High School Marching Band.”

Surviving La Crisis: Let Them Eat Cake!

La Crisis grows worse everyday. Stocks are up today, buoyed by the British government’s cash injection of $63 billion dollars into their banks. However, most agree the economy is not going to fully recover anytime soon. At a more local level, I’ve been wondering how much has La Crisis been affecting people in Los Angeles? My thoughts linger on apocalyptic visions of a worldwide economic collapse and the Mad Max world that might result. Okay, so perhaps it wouldn’t be all doom and gloom despair. In places like the Eastside, people might be more adaptable to living off the grid: home vegetable gardens, the innovative re-use of objects and the general flexibility of folks in this area (remember how after the earthquake everyone set up camp in their front yards?) might make them better prepared for a life minus the luxuries.

While property owners depend on law enforcement to carry out their interests in times of crisis, there has recently been a surprising exception.  Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has refused to enforce mortagage foreclosure evictions.

Too many times, our deputies arrive at a home to carry out a mortgage foreclosure eviction, only to find a tenant — dutifully paying their rent each month — who is unaware their landlord stopped using that rent money to pay the mortgage. They had no fair warning that they were about to be thrown out of their home.

That’s because, in many cases, the banks have done nothing to determine, in advance, who’s living in the building — even though it’s required by state law. Instead, those banks expect taxpayers to pay for that investigative work for them.

That stops today.

We won’t be doing the banks’ work for them anymore.

During the last big economic crash in the early 90s, I was a victim of this kind of eviction. I was paying my rent, the owner was not paying the bank and my roommates and I were out on the streets.

In my immediate family, there have been job losses (anyone need a good soundman/DJ?) and the resulting strains that come from these difficult situations. My cousin who runs a large car dealership says things have never been this bad. He’s considering taking a second job. But I wonder if there are any ‘second jobs’ out there? I’ve noticed more and more businesses with “clearance sale” and “everything must go!” signs. I know things are getting bad for us everyday folks but we will never benefit from any bailouts. The government has done a pretty good job of stigmatizing welfare for anybody besides the rich.

So in light of all this, we here at La Eastside are starting a series of posts to offer tips, suggestions and examples of how to get through “La Crisis.” Read below for the first installment of ‘Surviving La Crisis.’ We encourage readers to submit their suggestions as well.

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I’ve been commuting to my job at Lincoln High School by bicycle since I’ve started working there almost 2 years ago.  It’s been pretty uneventful as far as run-ins with automobiles, suprisingly since Broadway is pretty hectic around 8am.  I know that once I approach the school that I should really be on the look out for people darting into the far right lane to drop off their kids. Now here is where today got interesting… Continue reading


Let’s say that I had to spend my entire day in Downtown Los Angeles, and I could choose ANY Three Eateries in that area at which to have my Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner meals.
I took me about two minutes to make my decisions. I will add that these choices reflect my own personal taste of what I find to be the most delicious, satisfying, consistent quality, service, value and atmosphere. I’m not trying to name the Best of “L.A.”, this is more like the Best of “AL”. Also, most people will understand when I say that, even if I had unlimited funds to go anywhere I wished, I would still pick these same places. So, here are my picks…….. Continue reading

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

Artist Harry Gamboa, Jr. said when he was a boy in East Los Angeles, all the streets were filled with beautiful trees, but in the 1960’s they were cut down to accommodate the Los Angeles Police’s helicopter surveillance program.  Remnants of what the trees may have looked like still exist on Cesar E. Chavez boulevard, on a strip between Evergreen and Indiana, which by the way, is flanked by a jogging path and the oldest cemetery in Los Angeles (see the first picture above).  These non-native Ficus Trees, a distant relative to Fig Trees, provide a great source of nutritional support to the wildlife in the area, cool fresh air during the hot summers and somewhat of a sound barrier from the traffic, to us residents.  I have lived here for a few years now, and have noticed the diligent pruning of the trees on my corner, several times a year.   On further investigation, it appears that the City of Los Angeles maintains the Ficus Trees on my corner excessively stubby year long, to give traffic visibility to a privately owned billboard situated between four trees (see the second picture above).  When the whole nation is looking at ways to keep our country “green”, I wonder why the community of Boyle Heights has to relinquish nature to corporate commercialism.


I was near El Centro recently and seen these treats at the check out counter at the local AM PM. I only really seen edible crickets for sale at El Mercadito or sometimes at swap meets, and they are usually in big tambos sold by the pound. I know in some places in Mexico they are a common snack (or maybe its grasshoppers?). I am not sure if they are being sold at any LA am pm yet, but maybe just maybe I might get the nerve and try them.

They got a variety of flavors too; bacon and cheese, salt and vinegar, sour cream and onion yum!

I Googled  the company Hotlix and  to my surprise they been in the business over 20 years! and got tons of other insect treats.

My Night at the Museum

Linares installation from Intersections: World Arts, Local Lives at the UCLA Fowler Museum

My mother recently became a member of the Fowler Museum at UCLA.  While she was there for an exhibit on mermaids (she collects them), they had some kind of raffle where if you sign up for membership, you could win a bunch of prizes. And as you might know, people of the Mexican persuasion cannot resist a raffle! Amazingly, she was one of the prize winners and went home with a museum membership and two tickets to an upcoming Qawwali music concert at Royce Hall. Apparently she couldn’t convince my Chilango stepdad to go with her, so I was next on the list: “Mija” she pleaded with me “please take me to the concert, it’s YOUR kinda music afterall.” I think my kind of music means I like stuff you don’t hear on radio stations with commercials. I was so glad we went!  It’s not an understatement to say the concert was one of the best live performances I’ve attended in years. The improvisational chanting was both energizing and soothing and seemed to relieve my mother’s perpetual pains.

Another stroke of luck, her first members opening party was for the new Fall exhibits – many featuring Mexican related art. The opening party was called Celebración/Cotton Candy and she was delighted to discover Culture Clash would be performing.

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The Fan and Fernando

I like to think I was destined to be a lifelong Dodger fan. I was born just before Fernando “El Toro” Valenzuela was called up to the majors in September 1980. Of course, I don’t remember that. Nor do I remember Fernando Mania and his awesome 1981 season which resulted Cy Young and Rookie of the Year awards. In fact, I really don’t remember much about Fernando during his prime years except for listening to Jaime Jarrín announce over the radio, “¡Lo ponchó!”

Fernando made many people fans… or at least increased their love for the Dodgers. Still, I can’t say Fernando made me a fan. My dad gets all the credit for that.
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Fasting for the future Oct 15

On October 15th, over 100 people will begin one of the largest hunger strikes in American history to call on Latinos, immigrants, and people of conscience–the Immigrant Rights Movement–to rise out of our fear and vote for change. “The Fast for our Future” will be based in a permanent encampment at La Placita Olvera, the historic heart of Los Angeles, and will continue until at least 1 million people have signed this Pledge. Through our shared sacrifice and commitment we will renew our movement and inspire an historic mobilization of Latino, immigrant, and pro-immigrant rights voters. We must remember the I.C.E. raids, those detained and deported, the families torn apart, the dreams deferred. We must remember the marches, the walkouts, the boycotts, and the promise we made: “Hoy Marchamos, Manana Votamos.” Yesterday we marched for our rights, today we vote. 

One way or another the immigration issue has to be addressed by the U.S. government. I urge that anyone that supports positive immigration reform to sign the petition and spread the word. Fast for a day if even possible, even though most of us, including myself, can’t because we have responsibilities that need us in our full mental capacity. Not only that but make sure to register to vote and let your voice be heard. There are some of us that don’t even have that privilege and for someone to just throwaway their vote is ignorant and stupid. Everyone complains about how bad things are, so then do something about it and vote.     



The Fast for Our Future campaign will begin in Los Angeles on October 15th, 2008, three weeks before the November 4th presidential election. Over 100 people will fast in order to mobilize our community to vote for immigrant rights. Fasters will give up all food and juice liquids. We will only drink water.The Fast will be based at an encampment at La Placita Olvera, the historic heart of Los Angeles. The encampment will be a visual representation of the size of the hunger strike. Fasters will sleep in tents and live at the encampment for the duration of the hunger strike. The Fast will continue until at least one million people have signed the Pledge to vote and take action for immigrant rights.

Daily Public Schedule of the Fast Encampment:

8:00 – 8:30am Prayer Service
8:30 – 9:30am Agenda for the Day
10:00am Public Announcement or Press Conference
11:00am – 12:00pm Rest Period
12:00pm – 4:00pm Work
4:00pm – 5:00pm Rest Period
5:00pm – 6:00pm Vigil
6:00pm – 8:00pm Group Reflection
8:00pm – 10:00pm Free Time
10:00pm – 6:00am Quiet Time

El Pueblo De Los Angeles Historic Park

845 N. Alameda Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012Â