The Day After

The campaign-less streets of Lincoln Heights

Despite my skepticism of the efficacy of electoral politics, I concede that the election of Barack Obama has brought demonstrative joy to the city of Los Angeles. Yesterday, I observed people smiling, celebrating and in an overall giddy mood*. I heard of workplaces having impromptu parties complete with champagne. Secret Obama supporters finally admitted their presidential choice and even some McCain supporters I know seemed buoyed by the energetic feelings around them.

A few overheard conversations from yesterday:
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Dia de los Muertos Continues at Self Help Graphics!

Self Help Graph​ics & Art presents

Day of the Dead Progr​ammin​g 


Join us in our conti​nuing​ community celeb​ratio​n in East LA.
Free for the commu​nity—donations accepted.

** A Call To Witness: All Is Not Forgotten Dia de los muertos exhibit, in SHG’s Brooklyn Gallery will be open for viewing ** 

KEEP READING! Details on these exciting evenings follows!

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Piñata Dangers

It’s a terribly dangerous world out there: salt shakers with loose tops, roses with prickly thorns, soymilk that goes bad after 10 days, it’s like someone is out to get you! And now I find out even the simple act of bashing a Piñata is full of potential peril, not just to the crazy kids swinging around a broom but also to the poor sack tasked to swing said paper monster round and round. Unlike newcomers to this celebratory tradition that seem content to just let the object of rage hang mid-air, most Mexicans and Chicanos like to swing it around to create a challenge, and maybe just to whack a kid or two. (Heh, heh, not that I would ever do that!) But if you look at the pictures on this van I spotted in El Sereno, the traditional way of taunting mocosos could lead to comical failure, and as the website states That’s No Fun! Thank you Piñata Jackstand for simultaneously warning us of hilarious accidents and for selflessly offering a solution! Play safe kids!

The Brewery, La Mano Press, City Hall. Walking in L.A.

A special van.

A special van.

Every year I go to the Brewery. It’s an automatic pilot type thing. I have very few traditions. In fact I have only two traditions. I go to the Hollywood Christmas Parade every year (if I’m in Los Angeles) and I go the Brewery Art Walk. I’ve been going to both of these events longer than I can remember. I’m so obsessed with them that I will actually go by myself. I remember two years ago I couldn’t trick anyone to come with me to the crappy Hollywood Christmas Parade, even my boyfriend refused to do it, “It’s lame why do you do this every year.”
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Dia de los Muertos at El Gallo Cafe

Regular commenter Urbanista submits the following pics and text about another DDLM event that took place tonight, enjoy! (Oh yeah, if you ever want to send in your own pics and text, get in touch with us via the contact us page.)

Good Evening LA Eastside,

I wanted to forward some pictures (cell phone pictures) from the event that took place over at El Gallo Cafe. There was artwork displayed as well as altars. There were some vendors selling some of their crafts with the theme of dia de los muertos. They also had a live band – Upground which got a mini mosh pit going and revived the crowd (no pun intended lol). ( <=== (Dia de los muertos song). I also got a signed “Viva Obama” print from Lalo Alcaraz.

More pics ahead.

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