Restaurante Los Pinos


With a sign like this you know you’ve entered flavor country. Los Pinos is a Mexican restaurant in El Sereno; and I purposefully say Mexican because with much schooling by El Chavo I now realize that there is Mexican-American food and then there is MEXICAN food.  This was most certainly the latter.

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Part of the Plan


“Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all, part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!”

– The Joker from “The Dark Knight

[photo taken @ the intersection of Eastern Ave. & Huntington Dr. in El Sereno]

Boredom is…


On my daily commute to work I spotted this on N. Broadway.  Now this side of town is not without plenty of graffiti/bombs/tags but this meanders into other territory.  It’s not just a ‘tag’ but in a way someone trying to engage us and express his “boredom” with an act of creativity! Of course bored is spelled as borred, which makes one wonder as to whether this was intentional or not. And even the last “D” looks like a “b,” further changing an interpretation of this piece.

But frankly, on a purely visceral level I love this. Reminds me of all those million punk songs that sing about being young and bored. Even Søren Kierkegaard, Dutch 19th century existentialist, wrote about the nature of Boredom. For example he said in Either/Or,

Since boredom advances and boredom is the root of all evil, no wonder, then, that the world goes backwards, that evil spreads. This can be traced back to the very beginning of the world. The gods were bored; therefore they created human beings.

And also:

Boredom rests upon the nothingness that winds its way through existence

So, whoever did this is in good company in being bored…but as the Internationale Situationiste also said:

Boredom is counterrevolutionary.

OH! Who would’ve thought being bored had such existential implications!

LA Hungry 4 Education


The flyer pretty much sums it up ; Lincoln High School Teachers/Faculty and more are protesting @ Lincoln High School through the evening…and into the morning. This is late notice but  be sure to spread the word that such an ACTION is happening. These sort of ACTIONS lose any power if no one knows about them! This also late news but bestselling writer, Luis J. Rodriguez, author of “Always Running” will be there at 8pm tonight!

Follow this link for more info.

word from the wise to the unwise


Going down Fig (Figueroa for you neigh-n00bs), across from Footsie’s, I saw this telephone box all hit up. I wondered whether it was the work of the infamous and ubiquitous ALZA, already expounded upon by fellow blogero El Chavo. But I saw some chamacos hanging around, and seeing the paint cans I figure it was them and not ALZA responsible ; although ALZA is known for putting “messages” in his pieces around town.

But yes kiddies, why tag when you can bomb your ‘hood. To clarify the difference for neo-Urbanites, being that to “tag” is merely to scribble one’s name…but to “bomb” could be to do just that but to take it up aesthetically quite a few notches. This whole do this not that is pretty cool with me. Was it not CRASS who said, quite quipishly, “Fight War NOT Wars.” In this instance another proper slogan could be BOMB WALLS NOT PEOPLE, but the meaning could be lost on those not savvy to varied meanings of bomb. Feel free to steal my ideas, but I’ll be damned if you decide to make any $$$ of it. I’ll get you! Creative Commons, y qué?!