Japanophilia, or the obsession with Japan

Anyone here obsessed with Japanese culture (i.e. anime/manga, cherry trees, samurai, kendo, taiko, karate/judo/aikido, sushi, teriyaki, Kurosawa, “Beat” Takeshi Kitano) and things related to it (Little Tokyo, Comic-Con) and consider themselves or have been called a Japanophile?
I find America’s rising obsession with Japan so interestingly ironic. 20 years ago in elementary school and throughout high school, anyone who looked remotely Asian was called Chino or China.
My mother and other Japanese tenants in nearby apartment buildings in Boyle Heights were and still are called Chin@ by neighbors.
Nowadays, elementary and high school students carry “manga” (Japanese comics) books with them and are fascinated with Japanese culture. Some high school students I’ve worked with are so obsessed with Japan that they are studying the language via podcast and the internet on their own so that they can one day travel there.
An American Caucasian friend of mine who now lives in Tokyo with his Japanese girlfriend has told me that he feels most at home when he arrives to Narita Airport. Another Mexican American/Chicano friend has told me he believes he was Japanese in his past lifetime because of his deep interest in Japan and the culture.
Oh, how I wonder what it would have been like to be “cool” for bringing salmon and riceballs to school in my pink New Kids on the Block lunchbox while envying my classmates who had normal sandwiches and bags of pepinos.

An article by Oxy professor, Morgan Ptelka. http://www.discovernikkei.org/forum/en/node/1709

Carne Asada with Ethier


So we headed to the game and me and my dad sat in the Lodge section, but not where we normally sit and man there were tons of kids. It was the Ethier jersey giveaway and Kid’s day so I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised about it. I got sunburned within the hour I was there, but watching the Dodgers get three runs in the first made it better.
We had great pitching by Chad and through 7 innings. The Dodgers didn’t have all their starting line up in there giving Manny, Martin, Furcal, and Blake the day off. They still prevailed and won the game 7-3….by the end of the fifth inning me and my dad moved to where my niece was sitting, just in time for when the camera man was there and I was on the jumbo screen wooo hooo.. I got a few texts and then saw some people that had seen me and let me know! THANKS camera guy..
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Los Juan Diegos

edit-3Beautiful isn’t it ? I was amazed when I first saw it and I’m still amazed every time I see it when I pass by it on Chavez and Lorena. I love art and since I’ve been learning about the artists who helped make Chicano Art what it is today, I have a tremendous appreciation for it. I have great respect for any artist and Chomps is no exemption. Chomps has been working on his this mural called, “Los Juan Diegos” for quite some time. He named it after himself and his brother. Like any artist, he has to make a living some where else to pay the bills and spends what free time and money he has on his art. He ends up borrowing equipment to get the job done a lot.

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Boston’s On Fire, and so is El Sereno

Or at least some of its hills.  Fire seems to be under control now or that’s as much as I can tell by the white smoke and the fact that the helis are gone. Only question I have, why did the helicopters that practice water drops from the DWP property in Montecito Heights every weekend not actually show up when a fire broke out in the neighborhood?

La Crisis: Huevos Rancheros: El Ranchero


You will have to excuse me for posting this here, as I usually put my HR reviews over on my personal site. (And you’ll also have to excuse the multiple colons and the terrible title!) But I thought this special offer was too good to keep to myself, especially in these times of La Crisis.  And I’m not talking about the 50 cent tacos either, I’m here for the Mexican breakfast dish known as Huevos Rancheros!

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