Mujeres de Maize

For the last 14 years Mujeres de Maize, an Eastside Xicana collective of artivistas, has organized a month of events that celebrate the power, creativity and beauty of being women. Each year more and newer faces respond to the call and share in many of the variety of planned activities. This is not just for women, men should be at these events to bare witness, listen and learn.

I’ve been a fan for many years. I hope you can make it to any of these amazing events.

The new *Cool* for Eastside kids?

Yes, I ride a track bike. I have for 3 years now. I’d rather have a nice ten-speed these days but I don’t have the money for that kind of purchase right now.

But interestingly enough I have noticed a surge in “fixed-gear” bicycles (and bicycles in general) in the Eastside in general; and being that I live in El Sereno & work in Lincoln Heights, my perceptions arise from these neighborhoods. I have been a bicycle-commuter (& bus commuter) to get to work & school pretty steadily for almost 5 years now. As a young kid I used to get around by bicycle & bus too, but typcial of Los Angeles kids, I started driving as soon as could! Once I grew tired of driving and became aware of the social, environmental, health repurcussions due to car culture I sought to abandon it (though I am no anti-car evangelical!).

At work (a local high scool), I would often be asked why I did not drive a car; most students would see me walk onto the campus with my bicycle. I would say the usual environmental, social, political, and economic reasons: still most 16 years old are baffled when an adult doesn’t drive. I get the same response when I tell them I don’t have a TV at home. For them a car is equated with freedom of movement: anyone that has driven in Los Angeles for a few years knows that this myth slowly erodes…

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The Two Gold Lines. Yeah this totally looks fair…

South Pasadena Gold Line Mission Station 03
In South Pasadena even the sidewalks are protected with barriers.
I won’t let this go until the side of town I live on is treated with the same concern that people in South Pasadena are treated with. I am willing to burn these videos onto CDs and give them to people who want them for free, if they would like to use these to explain to Metro what they want at the upcoming February 11 meeting on the safety issues for the Gold Line. Cheap reflectors, paint and tours aren’t enough!!! Cheap reflectors, paint and tours will not make us shut-up about this.
-Browne Molyneux

hike in the rain

After work today I stopped by the Army Surplus in Lincoln Heights and got me a pair of rain boots, a big umbrella and an orange poncho. I put on the boots and poncho then headed up into the hills of Lincoln Hts. Here are two shots. I used my iPhone so they aren’t the best quality, but you get the idea. It was fun walking in the rain able to step in puddles without worry. Only my knees got wet because they were the only part of me  exposed. I felt refreshed walking uphill in the oxygen rich air.

wet LAThe Rolling Hills Above Happy Valley

Eastside Artist Profile: Sand Oner

The sexy doll-like characters Sand One paints have been popping up all over the Eastside with attitude and fresh charisma. This girl knows what she wants and is doing it by painting her Sand Chicks wherever she can. I caught up with Sand One at Primera Taza in Boyle Heights to see what this native Eastsider was all about.


Read the rest after the jump………

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Separate but Equal Treatment via Rail Lines in L.A.

The Rail around Indiana

If you look at this photo you wonder what is this? And how did anyone think this was safe?

Why is the safety method on the Eastside going to be of the “pull yourselves up by the bootstraps” variety via cameras to blame personal drivers and old men in yellow vests reminding people to “be safe,” while the City of Los Angeles west of LaCienega get the “silver spoon” variety of safety with expensive barriers and elevated stations?

Why will there will be no testing out Darwinism theory of survival of the fittest on the Westside?

Only the neighborhoods with higher concentrations of poor people and brown and black people are tested with sink and swim theories.

The rail dips just one mile into the magic dividing line of LaCienega and the people on that side of LA who don’t walk or even use public transit as extensively as people on the Eastside get all of our tax dollars spent protecting them from being hit by a train that most of them won’t even take or even be near outside of driving by its protected barrier.

(This is an excerpt of a very long post entitled “Cameras Aren’t Going to Make Fewer People Die.”)

by Browne Molyneux

Bad Neighbors

The message comes through loud and clear

On the Eastside we’re often told our neighborhoods are never good enough. We need revitalization and improvement. And who is to provide us with this fancy new lifestyle? Certain businesses are mentioned in this renewal mantra: bookstores, art galleries, lofts and commercial development. It all sounds nice in theory but check the photos below to see how this plays out in reality.
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Botanitas: March 19, 2009

The Mysterious Ghostly Trash Receptacle of Lincoln Heights

Botanitas is an ongoing feature bringing you stories and news from various sources, upcoming events and other bits of ephemera that might be of interest to LA Eastside readers. Suggestions welcome!

So many events this week, so little time! Only boring people can be bored in a city like Los Angeles. That’s right, I said it. You got a problem with my philosophy? Leave it in the comments section. This edition of Botanitas is chockfull of Eastside concerts, art shows and places to be seen. Read ahead for the scoop. *Updated this morning*

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Metro Eastside rail safety meetings

~ Picture courtesy of Metro ~

Metro is going to be holding rail safety meetings in the next few days. I saw a flier walking to school and then read the press release from Metro. Here is a list of times and locations where residents can go to and ask questions and find out what it takes to be safe around the tracks. 

~ Benjamin Franklin Library, 2200 East First Street, Tuesday, March 3, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, March 14, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

~ East Los Angeles Public Library, 4837 East Third Street, Saturday, March 7, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., and Wednesday, March 11, 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

~ Little Tokyo Library, 203 South Los Angeles Street, Thursday, March 19, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, March 21, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

~ Stevenson Public Library, 803 Spence Street, Tuesday, March 24, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, April 4, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

~ Anthony Quinn Library, 3965 East Cesar Chavez Ave., Monday, April 6, 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, April 18, 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

And they also explain what the meetings are about in a nut shell:

~ Exercise caution at all times.

~ Always wait for “walk” signal before entering crosswalk

~ Always use crosswalk

~ Always be prepared for what may be coming from around the corner

~ Always look both ways before crossing any street

~ Never make a left turn on a red arrow signal

~ Never make illegal right turns

~ Never run to catch a bus or train

~ Never walk, play near or on rails tracks

~ Never jaywalk across the street

~ Obey all the traffic signals and warning signs

~ Watch for TRAIN signal

~ Watch for buses and trains from both directions



Thank you PATT MORRISON for telling it like it is in your usual style. Your OP-ED:In L.A., East is East was as refreshing and welcomed as an ice-cold Horchata drink on a summer day.  I would like to make an open invitation to you to please accept lunch on me, at the Taco Truck of your choice, anytime, anywhere, in the true East side of L.A.