What it looks like I would say. Perceptions.


The truth can change depending on distance.

The truth can change depending on distance.


I’ve been battling a demonic cold. It’s half my fault. My status as a smoker has come back to haunt me in all kinds of way. I tried to quit, but it’s hard. I suppose though that dying would be harder. Anyways when I get a cold it becomes this thing where my body tries to drown itself. I have to think about breathing.

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La Crisis: Your “eccentric” and “stylish” options.

I had written this serious post about crap you already know. Coupons, going back to school, roommates, moving back in with your parents and then I thought of something. We’re in La La Land.

Image is EVERYTHING!!!

This is why so many of us get in a hole in the first place, so I decided to give you advice on how to survive economic harsh times, yet keep your rep firmly in place. Being eccentric and bat-shit crazy always sounds better on paper than just poor.

If you are going down the economic ladder, do it with insane style!!!

One thing you can do is join a cult. Cults are always accepting new members. And many cults have a crash pad. When you have no money you isolate yourself from your friends and family anyway, so you’re ripe for a cult. Yeah you might have to do animal sacrifices, but if you aren’t a vegetarian this won’t be a problem and also there are animal friendly cults that just sacrifice people, though those kinds of cults are Continue reading


Surviving La Crisis: Survival Tips from La Tia Concha
Queubo Mijos! Long time, No Stabby!
I’ve been away in the Pínta (where those fools didn’t let me Blog!) but now I’m back, only to find all of this Economic Desmadre! I know a lot of us may be going through some Hard Times right now, so I’m going to give out some free advice on not only how to SURVIVE this Crisis, but hopefully to keep you all out of any Fiscal Pedo in the future.
The way I see it, when you’re down & out, there are 4 stages you can be at:
1.    Jodido
2.    Bien Jodido
3.    ‘Pa la Fregada
4.    ‘Pa La Chingada Continue reading

He’s with the band

The Roosevelt High School Marching Band was seen on Broadway for Sunday’s Desfile de la Hispanidad en Los Angeles parade. According to the Rough Riders blog, the band went through a transition with the retirement of C-Track Music Instructor Mr. Martinez, and now directed under Dr. Gindin. Rough Rider blogger adds:

“She’s has being working really hard with the students, and this year, she managed to prepare a field show for halftime for the 1st Game. Other years, the Band usually wasn’t prepared for a half time and had to wait until about the 2nd or 3rd game. The music has gotten much better, and this will only continue.”

English and Journalism teacher Mr B. Gertner throws down a halftime gauntlet in the comments by writing the real challenge for The Band is The Classic being held November 15. The Gertner adds  “Looking forward to your savage demolition of the Garfield High School Marching Band.”


Let’s say that I had to spend my entire day in Downtown Los Angeles, and I could choose ANY Three Eateries in that area at which to have my Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner meals.
I took me about two minutes to make my decisions. I will add that these choices reflect my own personal taste of what I find to be the most delicious, satisfying, consistent quality, service, value and atmosphere. I’m not trying to name the Best of “L.A.”, this is more like the Best of “AL”. Also, most people will understand when I say that, even if I had unlimited funds to go anywhere I wished, I would still pick these same places. So, here are my picks…….. Continue reading

My Night at the Museum

Linares installation from Intersections: World Arts, Local Lives at the UCLA Fowler Museum

My mother recently became a member of the Fowler Museum at UCLA.  While she was there for an exhibit on mermaids (she collects them), they had some kind of raffle where if you sign up for membership, you could win a bunch of prizes. And as you might know, people of the Mexican persuasion cannot resist a raffle! Amazingly, she was one of the prize winners and went home with a museum membership and two tickets to an upcoming Qawwali music concert at Royce Hall. Apparently she couldn’t convince my Chilango stepdad to go with her, so I was next on the list: “Mija” she pleaded with me “please take me to the concert, it’s YOUR kinda music afterall.” I think my kind of music means I like stuff you don’t hear on radio stations with commercials. I was so glad we went!  It’s not an understatement to say the concert was one of the best live performances I’ve attended in years. The improvisational chanting was both energizing and soothing and seemed to relieve my mother’s perpetual pains.

Another stroke of luck, her first members opening party was for the new Fall exhibits – many featuring Mexican related art. The opening party was called Celebración/Cotton Candy and she was delighted to discover Culture Clash would be performing.

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Yabba Dabba Doo!

Sarah Palin is quoted as saying that “…Dinosaurs and Humans walked the Earth at the same time…”


It looks to me like the Governor has learned her Earth History from watching a certain TV family from Bedrock.

We can only assume then, that this may be Governor Palin’s vision for our country’s future in Science and Space Exploration…..