WWECD? (What Would El Chavo Do?)

A New Mexican Food Joint has just opened in my neighborhood this week, and I happened to be walking by the other day and thought I’d check it out. I studied the menu and wondered “What Would El Chavo Do?”
I had noticed the construction and renovations going on for some time here, and it seemed to me that this spot had been serving food before, but primarily in connection with an adjacent storefront church. Now I found myself at the Grand Opening of a spanking new Westside place by the name of TARASCOS.
Continue reading

Newport Coast: The tragic underside of the census. A piece of satire.

So sad!!! The lack of diversity is killing them inside.
So sad!!! The lack of diversity is killing them inside.

Newport coast, it turns out, has become even less black and brown. Newport Coast was so undiverse that in 2001 it attached itself to Newport Beach as to not look so oddly white in a quickly changing multicultural world.

You can’t even find out how white it is, because it’s not only white, but rich and rich people don’t want you in their business.

A lot of us Angelenos take Orange County for granted. Continue reading


Ajua! Someone has correctly answered all of the questions on the
One very Eastside Culture savvy contestant has demonstrated a profound
knowledge of all things Eastside, and has proven to be  truly deserving of the Grand Prize! A certificate good for Dinner for Two from:
(I wanted the prize to be a trip far away from THE EASTSIDE so I picked the very self-proclaimed hip Westside town of Silver Lake!) Que Gácho! Anyway, here are the answers to the quiz: Continue reading

Botanitas: last minute update

A Virgen de Guadalupe admirer all the way from Switzerland! La Placita Olvera

Oops! Forgot to include these…

Virgen de Guadalupe Feast Day

The word on the streets is the flower market has sold out of all their red roses and if you’re Mexican, you know why. Today is the day Mexicans and Catholics all over the world venerate the one religious figure that can outshine Jesus: La Virgen de Guadalupe. December 12th has always held special memories for me because it is my great-grandmother’s birthday, a woman who long after her death is still remembered to this day at a local Eastside church. She was the founder of the parish Guadalupanas club and celebration feria. As a child,  I was always dazzled by the mountains of buñuelos she made in her tiny Eastside kitchen for the yearly carnival/feria. They were so numerous, the piles seemed to reach the ceiling.

While many churches have their individual ceremonies, the biggest celebrations in Los Angeles take place at La Placita Olvera Virgen de Guadalupe shrine. A throng of worshipers crowd the streets around La Virgen’s tiled mural and the flowers and offerings spread out from the altar into the streets. I’m not sure what time the ceremonies start or perhaps they’ve already passed. I’ve spent a few hours looking for details on this important Los Angeles tradition. There’s nothing I could find in the Los Angeles Times but I did find this article from the San Fernando Valley Sun: Celebrating la Virgen de Guadalupe.

Lincoln Heights Christmas Parade

This Sunday, December 14 on North Broadway 11am-1pm. Check it out! (thanks, Julio!)

From the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council:

Residents of Lincoln Heights take pride in their annual Christmas Parade, which will be held this year on December 14, from 11am to 1pm. Participants will line up at the Department of Motor Vehicles, proceed North on Lincoln Park Avenue, turn West on North Broadway to Avenue 24. At the end, there will be a celebration for the whole community in the parking lot behind the Bank of America with Santa, snow, Christmas gifts, music and food for all. Thousands of spectators are expected to crowd along the Parade route. For over two hours they will be treated to a seemingly endless line of colorful drill teams, dance groups, bands, classic cars, dignitaries and large and small floats. The Miss Taiwan entry will grace an antique fire truck from Fire Station #1.

Please read the comments below for more holiday activities on the Eastside–>>

Ratas, Cabrones y Mamones, Oh My!

Somedays, I’ll go out for a walk and make unexpected discoveries of pathos, irony and disfunction……

My sympathies go out to this victim. May punishment come swiftly to those responsible.

Now, It’s bad enough when someone disses you or crosses you out, but when it’s set permanently in a cement sidewalk, that’s sad. Pobre TVR……

Then, Pa’ Cabárla,… this afternoon I’m walking along and I see this……….

UPDATE: Stirrings around Lincoln Heights

Turns out the Zócalo spot that just opened in LH yesterday is a “community space” funded by some churches & some of its members mentioned that they on occassion have Bible-study.  They do seem to have some people from the actual community, but many seemed to be from elsewhere.  So if you like your “community space” tinged with Christianity then this is the place to be, err.

Are You Smarter Than An Eastsider?

I’ve got a Gift Certificate good for a Free Dinner for Two at:
EL CONQUISTADOR Restaurant in Silver Lake. Because I am feeling in a generous Holiday Spirit and want to do my part towards La Crisis, I’ve decided to offer this nice prize to the lucky L.A. Eastside reader who wins this contest.
All you have to do is answer these 10 Eastside Trivia Questions. The first person with all the correct answers is the Winner! Good Luck! No Cheating, Sinverguenzas! Continue reading