Everyday in LA No.2

Question: What Korean dish is this?

Everyday in LA - January 4

(Answer correctly and your name will be entered into a drawing for a slightly used black, rolling office chair delivered to your home or office. Contest runs January 3 – 9. Winner will be chosen and announced on Sunday, January 10.)

8th Annual Nacimiento Tour


Bad ass urban planner James Rojas, co founder of the Latino Urban Forum, guided angelinos on a tour of nacimiento altars located throughout East L.A. Apparently, from what Victoria D. told me, this is the 8th year he’s doing this and with the gold line up and running, he opted to guide us to adjacent nacimiento altars at various stops. She said that in previous years, the tour was given on bikes. I for one was excited to go on the tour out of curiosity of what the tour would involve, what we would see and expanding my mind to new ideas and concepts and guess what ? Since VD took some pics, you get to come along too. I’ll be your online tour guide of a tour I was part of. Isn’t that kick ass ? You bet your ass it is. I seem to be using the word ass a lot. Sorry 🙂 Continue reading

Everyday in LA

Everyday in LA is a daily photography post.  A snapshot of the city with a weekly drawing. Photos will be posted with questions and readers will be asked to leave their answers in the comments sections.

Here’s the first photo:

Everyday in LA 010310

Question: What are the three landmarks pictured here?

(Answer correctly and your name will be entered into a drawing for a slightly used black, rolling office chair delivered to your home or office.  Contest runs January 3 – 9.  Winner will be chosen and announced on Sunday, January 10.)

LA Eastside in Review 2009


I hereby declare 2009 year of the Eastside!

It was in this past year that there was finally some awareness on both sides of the river that the name the Eastside had been misappropriated by a confused bunch of folks. Thanks to the Los Angeles Times article on the Eastside, the “This is Not the Eastside” stickers pasted by unknown propagandists all over Silver Lake, and to the efforts of Eastside artists, writers, bloggers and the countless others who have publicly reclaimed and reaffirmed Eastside culture and geography, I finally felt like we have turned a corner. Many battles were won and those who ignorantly used the Eastside to refer to those neighborhoods west of the river were put in check.

As promised, here’s a look back at some of the more popular posts of 2009. I used the number of comments as a way to gage popular posts only because this blog doesn’t have the software to definitively check for hits and links. There were so many great posts written this past year that didn’t get a huge amount of comments but were excellent and thought provoking nonetheless. I encourage readers to go back through the archives and check some of the posts you might have missed.

Continue reading

Too much of a good thing


Normally, I don’t over do it when it comes to food. Moderation is key to enjoying good food or anything else in life, but that goes out the window on special occasions like the holiDAZE. I spent them with my fam this year and I forgot how much great food is cooked, for example baby lamb. They wanted to bring in the new year with some barbacoa, which is hard to find again since the guys on Breed St. had to relocate. With soo much great food around it’s easy to over do it and over do it I did. In fact, I had nightmares of being in a drive by and getting a beat down from women I’ve pissed off in the past. Freaky stuff to say the least. Even Victoria D. said she had the same experience from eating so much rich food. Anyone else had freaky dreams from all the good times they had these last few days ?