Stupid America


~A message I read on my way to work on the bus ~

A poem by Abelardo “Lalo” Delgado

stupid america, see that chicano
with a big knife
on his steady hand
he doesn’t want to knife you
he wants to sit on a bench
and carve christfigures
but you won’t let him.
stupid america, hear that chicano
shouting curses on the street
he is a poet
without paper and pencil
and since he cannot write
he will explode.
stupid america, remember that chicanito
flunking math and english
he is a picasso
of your western states
but he will die
with one thousand masterpieces
hanging only from his mind.


One of the first lessons I learned about life back when I was a wee little Random Hero was that you had to rock the right shoes. I have two distinct memories etched in my psyche about this. I was in the third grade and my mom bought me a new pair of shoes from pay less. They were a pair of Raider shoes. They had the team colors, logo and everything and I remember friends telling me, “Aww cool. Raider shoes.” Later on in junior high I learned that you got clowned on for having pay less shoes because it implied your ass was po’. I remember being in gym class in junior high and these two guys were making fun of people for their looks and/or clothes. I was sitting down next to them minding my own business and one of the guys starts eye balling me. He looks me up and down and thinks about making fun of me, but the guy next to him looks me up and down too and stops at my feet. He see’s that I have some Jason Kidd Nikes and says, “nah he’s cool.” As shallow and materialistic as it is, having the right kind of shoes makes or breaks a person sometimes. For some of us, sneakers are way more than just things we wear because we need to, it’s an extension of who we are and what we represent.

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March 12 & 13 A Prayer for Juarez Program, 8pm to 10pm–FREE!


All take place at Casa 0101 (a new spot– 1 block east from the old spot), 2102 1st Street, Boyle Heights.  Both days of art protest are free! Also, another opportunity to check out the Juarez protest art exhibit.

Friday, March 12, 8pm to 10pm

Writer/performer Claudia Rodriguez

Discussion with Dr. Ana Nogales on Human Trafficking

Music performance by Ramona Gonzalez & Carlos Zelaya

Music Performance by Big Joe Hurt

Saturday, March 13, 8pm to 10pm

Poets: Maestras Gloria Alvarez & Judith Terzi, Poetess of the Water

UCLA Professor & Chair of Chicano Studies Alicia Gaspar de Alba reading from her book, Desert Blood, followed by Q&A.

Writer/Poet Consuelo Flores, reading from her art activism work on Juarez, followed by Q&A

New performance by artist Vibiana Aparicio Chamberlin!

Writer/performer reina alexandra prado

New performance by Liliflor Kozmica & SPACE Intruderz!

Next week March 19 & 20, film screenings FREE! Señorita Extraviada, on March 19 & Border Echoes on March 20, 8pm to 10pm on each day

Tortitas de Camaron 2010


I don’t know why I care. It actually makes me look bad, a so-called vegetarian succumbing to eating ground up shrimp powder? I mean, why not just go for some dolphin or tuna or shark or lobster instead of the roach of the sea? Cuz I’m an idiot, that’s why.

Yet here I am once again excitedly reminding you that during these few weeks of cuaresma you might consider trying that odd and irrelevant plate of Tortas de Camaron, a dish that will disappear for another year once the zombie Jesus squirms his way out of that tomb. It’s a strange seasonal option: the dish consists of tortas (or tortitas) which are fried shrimp-powder infused egg batter, topped with nopalitos and doused with a red chile sauce. Its the poor persons way of not eating land animals as an act of sacrifice (oh please!) meant to appease some Catholic tradition or other. I used to know, now I don’t care. It’s just a time of year with much more food options at Mexican restaurants for vegetarians. And bad vegetarians as well.

There’s something satisfying about the simplicity of this plate, its humble origins, and the pleasing contrast of textures. It just works.

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Botanitas: March 9, 2010

Yes, at home I can feel like a tourist, which is what inspired me to try a vegan hot dog at the famous tourist spot, Pink’s in Hollywood. Of course, the vegan hot dog would be named after one of LA Eastside’s favorite media personalities, Patt Morrison (vegan hot dog topped with guacamole and tomatoes.) I was pleasantly surprised by it’s tastiness.

Botanitas is an ongoing feature bringing you stories and news from various sources, upcoming events and other bits of ephemera that might be of interest to LA Eastside readers. Suggestions welcome!

Click through for maestros con ganas, income gaps, history razing,  phantom raising and Mexican clovers.

***3/10/10: NEW EVENTS!***

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A march on March 4th


The following is what I felt; what I saw. I lay no claim to objectivity: this is going to be heavy-handed. I am a student at CSULA. Been so for almost a decade. I have seen first hand the corrosion of the quality of resources, services, and education. I took no part in the organization of anything for March 4th. I was merely a participant at the march, as well as doing some acts of solidarity with the NO-CUTS COALITION at CSULA previous to the march. My lack of engagement was probably due to my tendency to not want to be an activist and also my perpetual business. As a student/worker, one is in a place that is extremely vulnerable: when one is not working, one is studying; and when one is not doing either of those, one is busy trying to get-by. This is a perfect place for the State and Global Capitalism to have us in: a place in limbo. The report continues after the jump…
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Uncle ray

dads 80th_28

My uncle ray was a true veterano, a varrio legend. He escaped the oppressive climate that mexican indians endured in New Mexico in the 1930’s, as a young boy literally clinging to my grandma’s back. My abuela was his older sis, and she has  many a tale involving him being a baby tied to her back as they worked the fields in Nueva Mexico, then the central valle, then around the LA area.

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Dos Lunares


Something different to do this weekend and it’s free!

Dos Lunares is excited to present Calé Rachi a weekend of exploration into the world of Flamenco through film, discussion and interactive rhythm making/palmas in conjunction with Actions, Conversations and Intersections an exhibition of participatory art by 60 Los Angeles artists and organizations, January 24 – April 18, 2010 at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery.

Our Flamenco weekend will kick off with a film night, discussion and tapas on Friday, March 5 at 7:30pm. We will be screening the wonderful documentary El Turista Soy Yo about Flamenco singer Luis Agujetas, the youngest son of the well-known and highly regarded Flamenco cantaor Agujetas el Viejo. This documentary by Trina Bardusco, follows Luis Agujetas through his daily rituals which include his nightly job singing at the famous Flamenco tourist mecca La Carbonería en Sevilla, Spain.

Palmas, the art of Flamenco hand clapping will be featured in our Sunday presentation, March 7 at 2pm. Join us for a lively afternoon of interactive, participatory rhythm making with Los Angeles bailaora, Cristina Lucio.

The name of our presentation, Calé Rachi or Gypsy Night is a nod to the intersections of Chicano and Gitano culture that took place along the Mexican-American border during the early 1900s.

Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park 4804 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027-5302 – (213) 485-4581

CSUN Protest

In the end, 6 students were arrested and one 72 yr old professor was pushed by police, and fell on her arm, breaking it.

We had a month build up on campus for this day. Chicana/o Studies had a teach in on Feb. 3 and began telling our students that today, March 4th the whole State was going to protest.
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Mujeres de Maiz 13th Annual Live Art Show


The event celebrates the women of color ARTivist collective’s 13th Anniversary and 8th poetry and arts publication, and is in honor of International Women’s Day, and Women’s Herstory month.  Mujeres de Maiz has a month of events that will also include two group art exhibits, a poetry night as well as possible workshops and other events happening throughout March 2010.  The event is also part of an other Month long series of events; “A Prayer for Juarez.”

Sunday, March 7th

Schedule of Events
3pm – 5pm
Public Live Art Show (FREE)

Mariachi Plaza
E 1st St & N Boyle Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033

featuring all women performers: Danza Azteca, Cihuatl Ce, Guerrilla Queenz, In Lak Ech, Las Ramonas, Raquel Salinas, and The Sirens.
3pm – 9pm

First Street “Mujeres de Maiz”
Art Walk Exhibitions (FREE)

Exhibit at Primera Taza
1850 East 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033

Mujer Mercadito Vendors
Primera Taza back parking lot

Mujeres de Maiz Live Art Show

Casa Grande Salon
2708 East Cesar Chavez Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90033

Limited Seating available 6:30 p.m.
$20 General Admission
$15 for Students w/ ID

Performers include:
D’Lo, Happy Frejo, Hermanas Canto Cura, Indigie Femme,
Josefina Lopez, Las Bomberas de la Bahia, Martha Gonzalez from Quetzal, Claudia ‘Cava’ Gonzalez from CAVA, La Santa Cecilia and Special guest of honor SUSANA BACA

MdM Anniversary Celebration

Eastside Luv
1835 East 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033

Parking is only on local streets at this time.
We strongly recommend you take the Metro Gold line
(Mariachi Plaza stop is right in front of the 1st event).

Muchisimas Gracias… (special thanks to…)
The Peruvian Community, Supervisor Gloria Molina’s office, Casa0101, Corazon del Pueblo
Primera Taza, East Side Luv and the Local First St. businesses & community organizations. Also thanks to our Comadre Circle CSULA Chican@ Studies professsor: Professora Dionne Espinoza, CSUN Professoras: Sirena Pelarollo (Spanish), Marta Lopez Garza (Womens’ Studies), Mary Pardo & Lara Medina (Chican@ Studies), Mujeres Activas En Letras Y Cambio Social de CSULA andMECHA de CSUN.