Cool car sticker spotted in Downtown. The car was heading east.
Cool car sticker spotted in Downtown. The car was heading east.
The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world. We’re a country that in some parts uses the test scores of third graders to figure out how many future prison beds we should be building.
So I guess that means if you’re not scoring high on test, you’re not going to get a job, since you live in America you have two choices: homelessness or crime.
Pull yourself up by your boot straps or we’ll lock you up.
In America that seems perfectly reasonable.
America is a perfectly reasonably barbaric country. Continue reading
Here it is, the newest issue of Brooklyn & Boyle fresh off the grill. So to speak. It was a long time coming, but the wait was worth it. The magazine keeps improving with each issue. AND YES I see the grammatical errors cabrones, mistakes like that can be easily remedied, but what can I, we just wanted to get this mag out and ready for your viewing pleasure. So enjoy. Ohh and click on the images to see a bigger, more readable version of it.
“Hey, Fuck you!”
That’s what I heard on my short ride to Juan’s Market on Ave 28 & Pasadena (also a site of a nightly taco stand).
So I braved the poetry and the “wine bar” scene and came away quite energized by this gathering of Eastsiders; people that mostly come from a history of having land stolen, not willing to accept our name be taken as well. It’s late at the moment and I have to get my feo rest but I wanted to post this video so you can all get an idea of what went down in BH. (I hope to post more on this event tomorrow.)
It seems some people have had issues with the title of the event, as they think it might be inappropriate. Where you from? – that inescapable loaded question of my youth. What they don’t understand is the reality of how non-gang members experienced the question, having to say “I’m from nowhere” just to avoid getting beaten up, or worse. Intimidated to being from nowhere. Which is no different when newcomers to the city tell me, not ask me, that the term that has defined our reality is suddenly their domain, that they’re gonna tell me about some “fluidity” and their new logical reasons why I’m, yet again, from Nowhere. Yeah, fuck that.
I was especially awed by Dewey’s piece because the last time I spent much time with him was at Hollenbeck , where we were friends cuz of our fondness for Heavy Metal. I’m glad that all these years later we still have something in common: an understanding of where we come from, and pride for our Eastside. Nothing like shared experiences to teach you the value of something as simple as a term.
Eastside, presente!
The Pocho Hour of Power — queque?!?! — at the Steve Allen Theatre in Hollywood/Los Feliz… este sabado… a las ocho
I’m a regular patron of the Steve Allen Theatre. I THINK this might be the first time they’ve ever hosted a “Latino” show.
I get the feeling all the fake ass newbie “eastsiders” over in Silver Lake are starting to get a bit hot under the collar as the heat of their erroneous ways starts to rise. They’ve been schooled repeatedly about where the Eastside isn’t, but they try to act all “what, I didn’t catch that” as if ignorance will keep them from getting burned. Now that Pat Morrison has joined our guerrilla army and we are winning some skirmishes, the time is ripe for a full frontal assault!
A renegade band of insurgents has started their own cell in this major effort (who’s leading this splinter group, is it you Al Desmadre?) and will be battling this Thursday May 7 2009 at Eastside Luv using poems as weapons. What the? Poetry? Oh well, I guess we can use all kinds of things to throw out our enemies. Sticks, stones and names. I think I’m gonna suspend my permanent ban on all things poetic just to check this event out, cuz it looks like it might be fun. And it finally gives me an excuse to check out Eastside Luv, which also means suspending my ban on “wine bars”.
Damn, this could be a trap…
See ya there!
Eastside Luv 1835 E First St 323.262.7442
Most of us are sadly familiar with the present state of a former Eastside jewel, the Golden Gate Theater.
The property, including the remaining auditorium structure, are currently under ownership by a development company who appears inclined to possibly lease it to a commercial builder. I’ve heard of a proposed Walgreen’s drug store or something of that nature being mentioned. Over the past few years, I’ve undertaken a grassroots preservation effort by networking with local individuals and groups who unanimously agree that this former icon deserves a legacy worthy of the historical and cultural importance of our East Los Angeles community.
I now call out to anyone out there who agrees that this site of the Golden Gate Theater should house something of more significance and better use for the community than another drug store. And now, there’s a small glimmer of hope… Continue reading
This Saturday, I will provide artistic mentorship to a group of Orange County Latina high schoolers who have taken on the ambitious endeavor of creating 3 murals dedicated to 3 important women in California history. The 3 historical figures are Dolores Huerta, Judith Baca and Modesta Avila (pictured above). With the cutbacks in creative arts in California public and private schools, I think it is important to continue to provide training and creative dialogue with students. I feel very privileged to be able to give of my time to such important work. Often I wish there had been such exciting projects to work on in my teen years, then I step back and remember that our time as an artistic movement had only begun to sprout back then.
Now that you are intrigued by Modesta’s picture (above), I will tell you Continue reading
A haiku for today:
Cinco de mayo
Sponsored by beer companies
Ignored by Raza
Originally written for inclusion in Puro Pedo Magazine’s February 2007 issue.
It’s time for the yearly celebration of indigenous culture, honoring mothers and recognizing no borders. Food, music, vendors, crafts, music and dance draw in thousands of participants every year. It’s the first time this pow wow will be happening outside of East Los Angeles so head downtown and show them some love!
May 8-10, 2009
Los Angeles State Historic Park
1245 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
For more info, please visit their website.
Just added: East LA’s Chicano/Indigena Roots Reggae group Quinto Sol will do an acoustic set Friday Night at the Pow Wow.