4 thoughts on “Feliz Dia de las Madres

  1. A manufactured holiday to show what one should show everyday, how much we appreciate and love our mothers.

    And I’ll keep my anti-Catholic rhetoric to myself…


    Nonetheless, I LOVE YOU MOM!!! (& yes I already called her & let her know)

  2. Yep, El Chavo is so dark…..equating bad mothering with the breakdown of the ecology, thereby society (re: poopie pamper left anchored in a bush). Hmmmm, maybe he is right. Andy Warhol’s soup cans demonized the modern Mom’s goodness and nutrition as something instantly coming out of a huge and convenient Campbell Soup can. The downfall of the stay-home Mom sweating over a stove all day represented through an over sized factory made food substance—but, that’s great social critique through art. Now even more, the Mothers have to fight to raise their kids right, because there are too many ways to go wrong these days. Bad nutrition, bad influences, bad tv, bad people, bad habits, bad consciousness, bad relationships towards the world. Where is your consciousness Mom—how hard was it to buy a biodegradable diaper and then get it into the trash can? I can see these failings (like Chavo) because I had a Mom that made homemade frijoles and tortillas everyday, washed recycled cloth diapers, dried the wash on clothes lines, kept a spotless home, and always greeted us with tireless joy, interest and love. Entering motherhood did not seem easy to me, because to do it right, it would require all my energy. My Mother set the bar high. I chose to be an artist instead—because I knew I could not do both well. I guess just like everything in the world, there are levels—including motherhood. I would say that the Mom or Dad that left the diaper in the bush in Chavo’s link http://chanfles.com/blog/?p=1361 gets an “F” for that. Maybe they can make up the grade by turning the tv off on their kids and making them read more instead.

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