Rosca De Reyes

There’s a plastic baby in my rosca !!!! 

One of my favorite things about having a rich cultural Mexican heritage is celebrating traditions and eating some of the best food in the world, like the rosca de reyes. I’m my house my mom tried to instill the history and tradition that came along with the rosca, but I never really paid attention because I was too busy trying to find the plastic baby before anyone else. I always knew as the bread with the baby inside and if you get the baby that means that you have to host the rosca party next year. When someone did get it, everyone would start laughing and poking fun at the person, but more than anything, I remembered that the rosca was one of the few times my family came together like a “real” family. Great food always brought us together. Course you can’t have rosca without champurado(mexican hot chocolate). Mmm….

Green hills again

Pasadena Ave. - Lincoln Heights

Pasadena Ave. - Lincoln Heights

On a walk home from the Heritage Square Gold Line station I noticed once again that green is back in the NorthEastside.  Coming down through Highland Park on the line I could see the green all over the hills.  The frankly sparse amount of rain we’ve received has let all those empty hills, lots, and cracks in the street come to life.  Even with all the environmental degradation life still persists.  As my dad once said, “One day the Earth will finally shake us off like a bad case of fleas.” I’m no complete misanthrope, but in the end that doesn’t sound too bad for me.  Toda va, todo vuelve.

Gana la verde

I posted this on my blog and even though I usually tend to reframe from bringing up that whole “I don’t have papers” issue on here, I figured what the hell. Enjoy 😀

              With the new year here, I always look back to the past and thank God everyday that even though I’m not where I want to be yet, at least I’m not where I use to be. Thinking back that far I remembered something that at the time didn’t seem like a big deal to me, but looking back on it now, I still can’t believe it.
Back in 2004 there was a show called “Gana la Verde,” a fear factor inspired show that pitted contestants in physical challenges all so the winner can have an opportunity win a green card. This show captivated its audience as soon as it hit the air. The show was offering people a chance to become legal residents, what every undocumented resident dreams of for their families.Click here to hear an NPR report on the show     Click here for a clip of the show