My solution for June gloom


Huevos Rancheros. I took a page from Chavo as I was feeling all bleh because I had to go to work. So I decided to get up an hour earlier and I made my way to Jim’s Burgers. I didn’t feel like pancakes that morning so I thought to myself, What would Chavo Do ? “Buenos dias muchacho, que le doy ? ” Buenos dias, deme uuuuunnnnnnnoooooossssssss huevos rancheros con un cafe grande por favor. Damn did they ever hit the spot. They may look like a nuclear accident, but don’t judge a book by its cover. These huevos were good. The tomato sauce and healthy helping of cheese made it a messy meal, but damn worth it. The rice and beans were fine and the tortillas as well. Nothing fancy there. But if you’re looking to get rid of that June gloom and eat something so wrong that it feels right, call me up and we’ll meet at Jim’s.