Soul Skating Opens in Boyle Heights

A few months ago an old friend told me he was contemplating opening up a skate shop in BH. Then he went and got a space. And now he’s finally opened up his shop. C’mon on in and take a look!

Yup, it really is a skate shop, look at all them boards! When I was younger this sight would have made my day. Instead I bought my first real-ish board from some toy shop on Whittier. I thought it was the best board ever.

Don’t forget the trucks. They come in all kinds of colors. The green ones go faster, the red ones are for quicker stopping. Sure, why not.

Oh yeah, they also have wheels, which are an optional but useful feature on skateboards. Hmm, I didn’t see any rusty metal ones like the kind I used to ride, maybe they ran out. BTW, thats the board CHAKA used to ride a long time ago.

They round out their shop with some interesting t-shirts…

… even some punk classics…

… and a bit of art, some not even skate related!

Some shoes, tees, and a fridge for cold water and refreshments. Looks like the making of a decent after-school hangout spot.

Meet Mando and the crew! When you go to get your next board, don’t tell them I sent you or you’re likely to pay more than full price.

It’s right near the Hollenbeck Skate Park that Random took pictures of some time ago. Just up the street towards Whittier, where that TV repair shop used to be.

Good Luck, Soul Skating!

Soul Skating Community Skate Shop   323.266.6611
770 S. Boyle Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90023

9 thoughts on “Soul Skating Opens in Boyle Heights

  1. Sweet. I use to work at a skateshop on Cesar Chavez across the street from crack in the box. Ahh those were the days. Chillin’ out side on the bench. Watching skate videos inside. I’ll do my part and let peeps know about the place. I put down my board for a bike, but skating will forever be a part of who I am. Skate or die.

  2. For the longest time I still thought that place was a TV/VCR repair shop until We went to do some laundry across the street. Is that Jonah?

  3. There are so many kids skating on the Eastside, it’s amazing that more shops aren’t open already. I’m guessing it’s probably a tough industry to make a living in competing with swap meets, the internet, and bigger shops in other parts of town.

    I wish the owner success, and I hope they’re able to make living doing what they love!

  4. Personally, I’m not the skating type but comics I LOVE. I will def check it out.

  5. The shop has an advantage of being near Hollenbeck Park’s skate park. Hope it does well.

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