

I was working outside today when I picked up an old board and discovered this ghastly creature crawling underneath. A dreaded Niño De La Tierra! Uy!

I have not seen one of these brutes in a long time and I can’t say I’ve missed the sight of one. As I was dropping the board back down I noticed something else crawling underneath it,


A widow spider! but not the typical black one- this one was the powerfully venomous: Brown Widow Sorry for the small image, but this was as close as I wanted to get! Chále!

This entry was posted in Greater Los Angeles, Pendejadas, Personal, Photos, Uncategorized by AlDesmadre. Bookmark the permalink.

About AlDesmadre

Al Guerrero, Artist/Humorist. Los Angeles, CA. Born in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico and raised in East Los Angeles from the age of two, Al Guerrero grew up just steps from the famous Chicano strip, Whittier Boulevard. His youth experiences include witnessing and participating in the 1970 Chicano Power demonstrations, cruising cars on Whittier Boulevard, and graduating from Garfield High School. After dropping out of UCLA (with honors), he drew upon his lifelong passion for art and cartooning and pursued a career in graphic arts. During this period, he traveled overseas and found artistic inspiration from the masterworks he discovered within the European Art Museums. His career blossomed when he was eventually hired by the Walt Disney Company in 1995, where he worked as a creative artist for a number of years. Although the artistic work was rewarding, he eventually grew weary & disillusioned with the bureaucracy of the entertainment business, and left to work briefly in the educational field. His credits include producing a feature film with actor, Conrad Brooks of Ed Wood fame, founding and performing with the Punk Rock group “The Psychocats” at numerous L.A. & Hollywood venues during the 1990’s, and in 1999 he founded and created a hell-bent puppet cabaret show aptly named: “The Puppets from Hell”. As a long time active member of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society, Al “Quaeda”, as he was known, was involved in countless Cacophony Society pranks and events throughout the city. He also produced the “Incredibly Strange Cinema” cult film series as well as themed events such as the now infamous “Pornothon Movie Nights” and the satirical “Mexican Night: Noche De Tequila & Putas” shows at local nightclub venues. Throughout his art career, he has exhibited his canvas paintings at various local galleries, and has also written & illustrated numerous comic strips and Graphic Novel stories. Today, he lives in Silver Lake, California and works as a freelance artist and writer with numerous multi-media projects under his belt and in the works. His personal hobbies include collecting vintage toys and comic books, cinema history and Los Angeles City history. Contact: Al Guerrero P.O. Box 29697 Los Angeles, CA 90029-0697

7 thoughts on “Eeewwww!

  1. Did you know that they are NOT venomous ?

    Did you know that they do NOT scream ? But the myth probably comes from the fact that most insects may make a high-pitched noised when burned because of gases in their bodies. As a long time lover of all sorts of creepie-crawlies I’ve always hated the wholesale genocide that people enact on these humble creatures.

    They sure can bite you though.

  2. Thanks Julio!
    I burned myself on a BarBeQue over the weekend and I also emitted a high pitched squeal like a little girl…

    -I never knew that they were called Jerusalem bugs. That explains why it started fighting with two other different groups of insects at the western wall of my garage.

  3. I share your fascination J-lo and love to look at them BUT you will never GET ME to touch one. I just can’t hack it when it comes to bugs.

    @ Al LMAF !!!! HAHAHAH 🙂

  4. I very much appreciate Julio’s comment. I used to really be freaked out by potato bugs but overcame my phobia back in 2004 on Santa Cruz Island when we found a big specimen crawling in the grass. I was wearing thick leather gloves but still, I held it in my hands, which was huge.


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