The 3rd Street Specific Plan

From the website,

Four Discovery Workshops for Phase 1 of the Community Plan Update will be held in East Los Angeles beginning July 13, 2009 through July 25, 2009. The same material will be covered at each of the four workshops which will be held in different locations in East Los Angeles in order to be as convenient as possible for residents and business owners in East Los Angeles to participate in the process and help decide how the 3rd Street corridor should develop and appear in the future (Discovery Workshops Schedule).

The Discovery Workshops will be followed by a continuous series of all day design sessions called a charrette which will be held over a six day period. The charrette will occur the week of August 17, 2009 through August 22, 2009. During the charrette, all of the information gathered from early field work, stakeholder interviews and the Discovery Workshops will be shaped into a vision for the 3rd Street corridor, which will later be transformed into the 3rd Street Specific Plan.

Residents, business owners and other local stakeholders will be invited and encouraged to participate in the process. The exact location and times of the discovery workshops and the design charrette will be announced on this website, as well as in local publications and libraries, in the coming weeks. We look forward to your ongoing participation in this exciting community planning effort.”


~ Monday, July 13, 2009

Belvedere Community Regional Park – Social Hall 4914 East Cesar Chavez Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 260-2342 Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

~ Tuesday, July 14, 2009

City Terrace Park – Social Hall 1126 N Hazard Ave Los Angeles, CA 90063-1258 Phone: (323) 260-2371 Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

~ Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ruben Salazar Park – Senior Center 3864 Whittier Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90023 (323) 260-2330 Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

~ Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saybrook Park – Recreation Room 6250 Northside Dr Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 724-8546 Time: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

4 thoughts on “The 3rd Street Specific Plan

  1. its an exciting time for Boyle Heights and east LA. There seems to be an investment in the community that we haven’t seen in while a long time if ever.
    I emailed the website (not sure who reads the comment box)about the community meeting about the 6th street bridge, there are meetings about its plans next week.

    Both meeting, but more so the 3rd street meeting, present an opportunity for the community to express their opinions about what the community should look like. Or you can choose to stay silent and have some firm tell us what it should look like.
    This is part of numerous other project planned or being looking into for the area. Some of it is along the Goldline, but others in other surround parts of the community. So we can stay idly by as these projects and redevelopment reshape our community or be part of that change.

  2. I totally missed the election, even though I was on the ballot 🙁 Any LAeastsiders going to the planning meetings?

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