Our chickens will not go down without a fight…

Is it just me or do the chickens on our side of town seem to be more belligerent than the chickens further west at such places like Kookooroo, where they seem to be just zany, avant garde and delicious?

You want some of this?

You want some of this?

They seem to be telling us that we can eat them, but they will not go down without a fight:

You think you can take me?

You think you can take me?

7 thoughts on “Our chickens will not go down without a fight…

  1. I love how the Chapalita Chicken could care less about the fact it’s frying in a big hot pan, all it wants to do is pump up to be the Gallito Mero Mero. What’s with the hats though? Is that a new clothing trend being pushed on our fine feathered friends?

  2. Yeah saw the Banksy exhibit on a Youtube clip. The chicken nuggets were brilliant as was the monkey watching primate porn but what really creeped me out were the hot dog/sausages in the terrariums.
    The images troubled me.

  3. Have none of you seen the proprietor’s daughters dancing in front of the store in that outfit? One holds a sign, the younger one is in the suit and can’t really see what is going on.

    Maybe they aren’t out there that much since school started up.

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