Laugh now

Need some entertainment at work? Want to forget the Lakers’ loss but not enough to forget about the whole series and the next game this Sunday? Tired after waking from a nap under that nice, shady saguaro I’ve been eyeing all week and you’ve never left? [Ed. note: ¡Culero!]

Months ago, one of my favorite blogs, Guanabee, posted a music video of the song “Homegurlz” by Los Angeles-based singer La La. According to her MySpace, she’s from Van Nuys. I don’t know much more about her because I don’t follow her career.

Anygüey, Guanabee’s post featuring her video mostly poked fun at it by pointing out the clichés present in the video:

We appreciate her not missing one chicano cliché in this video, either. See if you can spot them all, won’t you?

In my infinite quest to do nothing of importance, I answered their call and wrote all the clichés I found after two viewings:

1. Raised by abuelita
2. Virgen de Guadalupe mural
3. Necklace with name
4. Those nails!
5. All the religious iconography
6. Mexican flag
7. Pictures of her friends around the mirror
8. The can of hairspray by her mirror
9. there’s a charro at the beginning
10. lowrider
11. Old-school baseball cap in your gang color
12. the Oldsmobile
13. the small meals with the large ass drinks
14. The single mamacitas reference (2:30)
15. rosary around the neck and that pompadour (I think)
16. All those damn gold bracelets.
17. The pristine white shoes. At the beach.
18. that purple sweater (go lakers!)

I just noticed the Barbie doll in the vestido tradicional at the beginning. I f****** love this video.

Other commenters at the site pointed out a few that I missed (namely, the Homies figures). Are there any more Chicano clichés you see in this video? Do share in the comments section. If we can’t laugh at our selves/former selves/community, then where do we turn for humor?

Watch the video here. I can’t seem to embed it. Boo!

10 thoughts on “Laugh now

  1. Something about this video seems fake. Is it supposed to be satire? You know the girls don’t even look like they’re from Los Angeles…Fresno, maybe…
    Even Gwen Stefani did the chola thing better!

    Thanks for sharing Diego and welcome back to the West Coast!

  2. Dude, that’s hilarious! You know that Cholo(a)-Chic is the so trendy these days! You left out the Raiders jersey and the always obligatory Giant Hula-Hoop earrings.

  3. Doesn’t she seem a little… cougar-y to be acting like she has 16 year old GFs?

    Not saying anything about her, *cough*, obvious talent.

  4. Chimatli,
    Nope, it’s not satire, it’s the actual video for her song. Maybe there are people out there who live a satirical life? Thanks for welcoming me back online.

    The list that I posted was my comment at the Guanabee post. Guanabee pointed out the Raiders shirt (the most obvious of all cliches present) in their post.

    Her face seems covered in layers of make-up, I’ll admit. I don’t think she’s as old as you insinuate, however.

  5. If she’s older than 15 then her character should have a bunch of babies too, right?

  6. Woah woah, what happened here? when did the comment change so much, Satan? Or should I call you by the first name under which you posted it?

  7. Hey-don’t start no poop now! Didn’t you ever see that movie “Don’t drink your Juice in the Hood”?, the young
    girls with babies is an old cliched ghetto joke. This video is so full of cliches that the babies was the only thing missing! Sorry if my bad joke attempt came off badly.

  8. Yes, I’ve seen Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (it’s been a real long time since I have) and I know that babies having babies is a cliche of lower class communities (I pointed it out in the list of stereotypes: “single mamacitas reference”). However, that’s not my beef with your comment. If you’re going to type a comment, then change the name under which you posted it and the content of the comment, don’t do it again because you just gave yourself away, at least to me.

    If someone is impersonating you (which doesn’t seem to be the case because you never disowned the previous comment), that just sucks.

  9. man, I change names here as often as I change my socks. If you only knew all the
    TRANZAS that go on half the time….names are shared & interchanged by multiple users sometimes… I don’t mind. Don’t believe everything you read………

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