And the accolades just keep pouring in! The 2 random minutes of action on some LA street corner is making a lasting impression on people. Oh, what an impression.
Today we bring you a corner I know very well, having spent many hours waiting for the 251 to take me back home. On this Saturday morning the traffic and peds were light, not the usual crush of humanity that it once was. There used to be much more street vending which made the place lively and interesting, but the bad planning dept has made sure they get their way. With the bad planning.
On this corner I’ve seen many, many checkpoints, where cars get impounded in the middle of the night and a family of 6 has to figure out how to get home to Huntington Park, I’ve had cholos tell me that they used to kill people and take lots of drugs but cuz of Jesus they don’t do that anymore, I’ve battled for sitting space on the window ledge with the nopal vendor, I’ve seen the buses pass us up cuz they don’t want to bother with the large crowd, I’ve seen murals tagged up and sometimes restored, and I’ve heard my fair share of annoying evangelists with a bullhorn.
Since they moved the bus stop to the Payless, its no longer as busy. But still, its a nice corner.
I would like to see 2 minutes at Daly and Broadway. That might be riveting, though!
That seems doable. But I’m afraid the excitement might lead to exacerbated heart conditions and blood pressure incidents. Oh well, Ima take my chances.
Awwww this spot has a warm and fuzzy place in my heart. It would of been better to stand at the corner of farmacia ramirez looking towards payless and farmacia del sol. More action packed.imo.
Cool idea Chavo! I think you should create a Google Map and embed these videos. I think by the end of the year readers of LAE would be able to click on every corner and check it out (better than Google Maps?) I would say so.
I like your videos a lot more than the goolge map stuff, go with Steve’s idea. Then we won’t have cholos getting stopped by the cops on google maps anymore. Also I made a cameo apperance this time around. Did anyone see me walk by in that red shirt, that was me !!
Sweet! Like a cool Alfred Hitchcock moment!
My grandparents moved to Cincinnatti Street in Boyle Heights right after World War II. As a child/teen I visited them many times in the ’60s and ’70s from our home on the Westside. They went to the Breed Street Shul and my uncle owned a grocery store. El Tepeyac was (and is) always a treat (last time there after not being there for many years Manual invited us to his home across the street for some Tequila). I spent many afternoons with my grandmother walking on Brooklyn Avenue, going to the laundromat and shopping at the Big Buy grocery store. I have many fond memories of Soto and Brooklyn.
The intersection I grew up on, many memories. The Payless building was the Bank of Italy and I remember Thrifty’s was next door to Payless. The King Taco was a gas station and I think the KFC location before had one of those iron see-saw oil pumps that went up and down 24/7. Didn’t see my mom’s car pass by as she still frequents that area as I do still.
Hurry up and go! There we are in a race against time. I see routine and frustration on these intersections…No time to relax…..But hey that’s life! More please!
Broadway And Daly St.
Broadway and Sichel st.
1st and State St.