For the last few weeks, ever since the Linia de Oro was making progress in its construction, I have been trying to take a pic of this lovely scene. Except my phone cam can’t get it. Lucky for me reader Sesosfritos got a screen shot of it and put it up on the blog flickr page. Thanks Sesos. I for one like that they named the Linia de Oro after the blog. I didn’t know Metro held us in such high regards. It warms my heart to see that all our work doesn’t go unnoticed. But naming an entire rail line after us ? We would have settled for free bus passes
As a full time student, your bus passes should be virtually free. They are at LACC. Civilians pay $87 a month for a bus pass.
Daaaaamn $87?? I don’t ride metro enough these days to get a monthly pass, but I remember when they were just half the price just a few years ago.
I remember when metro was RTD… I wonder how much monthly passes were back then:
I was too young to notice the concept of cost.
you’re welcome. when i first saw the sign i thought someone from this site must work at metro or something.
Hey memo, the “Rough Tough and Dangerous”? Those were the days. Transit in LA has a LONG way to go, but has made LEAPS forward from the RTD days. The drivers arent as irrate.
I cant wait for the train to open, hope its soon!
Yeah, they pratically are. $15 for a 16 week semester if fucking awesome. Saves me more than $200 since it started last semester.
U know in a few months it’ll go to $20 then $25 then $30
But $15 right now that’s nothing
and for those that don’t qualify for those practically-free student passes you can get a subsidized pass if you reside in unincorporated east l.a. or certain other unincorporated areas. you can get the metro monthly pass for $48 (instead of $62), or the ez transit pass for $56 (instead of $70).
Seriously what are they waiting for? “Open,Open,Open”!
If they are waiting for the “fat lady” to sing, then get a tv camera and microphone in front of Gloria Molina
No matter what the bus pass prices are- they are still way cheaper than owning a car- insurance,maintenance,gas etc. Im saving easily $400 a month.
Never have to worry about parking either.
If i need or want to go to Santa Barbara or San Diego i take Amtrak.
Sure you gotta plan ahead but im getting used to it,i read and listen to music on my commutes.
Ive even seen dudes sit all the way in the back of the bus and take out their laptops.
Im too scared to be a target and get mine jacked.
Ha, I’d seen that LA Eastside scroll before but didn’t have my camera ready. I bet you someone over there did it on purpose. I say thanks to them!
I’m not down with G. Molina’s culturally sensitive idea of additionally naming the Goldline, Linea de Oro… unless she lobbies for a translation of Goldline in some of the following languages: Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean and Filipino.
What was politically incorrect about just keeping it in English? Really, I want to know. I don’t remember reading about why.
Has anyone noticed the “no cars on track” signs along the railway? They must be spaced at least 30′ from each other. At least what I saw between Downey Rd all the way to Arizona along 3rd Street.
I don’t see anything wrong with Gloria Molina giving props to the long time Spanish speaking residents of the area that she represents. I recognize that East LA is full of various people who speak other languages besides Spanish, but what’s wrong with her calling it La Linea de Oro? Just take a look around you, you have Santa Monica, Los Angeles, San Jose, we are surrounded by things in Spanish, I could go on naming streets, places, cities in Spanish, should we change those to English also? What is wrong with calling it La Linea de Oro in a community that tends to be predominately bilingual or Spanish speaking? Why do we have to keep it in English? When Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean and Filipino are the dominant languages in that area, you might have a case. You are not insinuating an English only city?
I don’t mean to jump on you I just got the sense of the “why do you get it and we don’t” I always said if you want something, put yourself in the position to be able to implement it, and Gloria is in that position.
It would be like my Mexican Spanish-speaking neighbors saying “Vamanos al Rey de Taco a comer tacos” instead of “Vamanos al King Taco a comer tacos.”
that’s not right, ay.
They have trains doing pre-revenue runs now, finally! So according to OSHA or whatnot guidelines, the train has to now run on regular schedule for 5-6 weeks until revenue service.
Hurry up!
Chinga! These comments were great! Public transportation really hits a cord with Chicanos. Keep it up!
September 10th, 2009 | 2:49 am
I’m not down with G. Molina’s culturally sensitive idea of additionally naming the Goldline, Linea de Oro… unless she lobbies for a translation of Goldline in some of the following languages: Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean and Filipino.
And, you’re also not down with the equally as culturally sensitive idea of naming the train lines named in English, right? You’d like to see more of them in Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, and Filipino as well?
My point is there is no need for any translation of the name Gold Line. Gold Line is good. That’s what MTA has been calling it since Day 1 with signage and notices in the mail the last 9 years.
Translate the ticket kiosks, the caution signs inside the trains, the information pamphlets but not the name.
It’s 2 words: Gold Line.
does it have to be translated? it’s not a freakin auto parts manual
Gold Line is a name. It’s not a word that needs translation for American transplants whose native tongue is not English who don’t know what gold and line mean. People say Food 4 Less. Not Comida 4 Menos. Immigrants say Food 4 Less in their accents. I hear Food 4 Less in Japanese, Mexican, Salvodran, Guatemalan, Chinese, Filipino and other accents.
I’m not going to call a white guy’s whose given name is Robert the Spanish version/translation of it. Roberto is not his name. Robert is. Roberto is the correct translation, yes. But it’s not his name. (He didn’t go by that name until he was in his 20s studying abroad in Argentina and felt a “connection” to the culture.)
Gold Line is the name. People have been calling it by its name for the last 6 years since it opened in Pasadena. Would you start calling your kid Jamaica (ha my ka) 10 years after you named her Wendy because your cultural idea light bulb went off after falling in love with the traditional Mexican agua Hibiscus/Jamaica drink during your vacation in Mexico?
You should go see a George Lopez concert, he does a great skit on how we Latinos give things names. The sports talk radio guys are now calling the Dodgers, Los Doyers. This is Los Angeles, its all around you. The Spanish speaking people in the area are not going to going to say “Voy a ir a the Gold line.” They are going to say voy a ir a la linea de oro, whether Gloria Molina calls it that or not. What’s the big deal with Gloria and the rest of the community calling it the Linea de Oro?
In the words of George Lopez….. Why you crying?
Is “voy a ir al gol line” out of the question? I’ll bet you a cuora.
I love George Lopez! His tv show sucks but his standup, ah-may-ssing!
I only cry when I watch independent dramas alone or listen to a touching episode of This American Life alone.
Doyers sounds like Dodgers with an accent.
I think Gloria Molina didn’t know what else to do with her time and taxpayer-paid salary.
I think there are too many city/county employees sitting around and twiddling their thumbs.
bhhapa, you said that you’d be cool with Molina’s idea if she lobbied to name the Gold Line in every language. Obviously, you said this tongue in cheek, but the implication is undeniable. Now suddenly you want me to believe that your problem with her idea all along was merely that she was tinkering with a time tested name?
I think her idea of changing the name was a selfish political move, for recognition, to keep her “name in the game.”
If she genuinely cared about the people who make up our community of Boyle Heights/East LA and all of its public institutions/establishments, wouldn’t all of these places have been translated into the languages (in parentheses) to serve the people who don’t speak English a long time ago? Why wait for a pretty multi-billion dollar project to come along?
Her idea is a self serving political move? That’s been your point all along? A politician, doing something in the name of politics? OK. Whatever you say. Politicians be damned!