La Virgen de Guadalupe at LACMA


She’s Here.

Back in late June, I learned through the LACMA blog that they had acquired a gorgeous painting of La Virgen De Guadalupe from 1691.  It was installed a few weeks ago so I went over to check it out.  I had the luxury of visiting the Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe earlier this year so I was excited to see this one.  I didn’t feel like forking over 12 bucks for regular admission so I waited til the clock struck 5pm.  I gave my donation, got my ticket, and took the outside elevator right across from the Welcome Center/ Hammer Building up to the Art of the Americans Building.  I opened the door and there she was at the far end, immediately tugging at my heart and drawing me inward.

I walked in a straight through some rooms, completely oblivious to Diego Rivera’s gems and Matta’s 320 square foot beast of a painting.  I stood there in complete awe; words can’t describe her beauty in person.  I felt bad that I couldn’t leave her flowers as I walked away.  The painting is in surprisingly excellent condition and I highly suggest everyone visit.



Afterwards, I strolled over to the Korean Artists Exhibit (until Sept 20th).  I’m not well-versed in contemporary art so I didn’t understand the majority of them but it was overall a worthwhile visit.


Sorry the pictures are grainy.  I had to be slick while taking them with my phone since their pesky security is pretty vigilant.

5905 Wilshire Blvd, 90036*
323/ 857-6000

Open every day except Weds.
$12 adult/ $8 student
Free every 2nd Tues of the month
After 5pm, pay what you want

M,T, Th, F- 12p-8p
Sat, Sun- 11a-8p

Take the 720 to Fairfax.

*not on the East Side but I’ll survive.

-Angie Saldivar

10 thoughts on “La Virgen de Guadalupe at LACMA

  1. Thanks for the heads up! I had no idea about this even though I tend to visit LACMA (after 5, of course) pretty often. I’ve never been told not to take photos in the Latin American art gallery. I know they don’t allow photos in the contemporary gallery and in some of the shows like the Korean contemporary art show.

  2. I don’t mean to be a negative Nancy but I’ve read quite a bit on how the whole Virgen de Guadalupe image is a fraud & soley created to convert Indians. Even those at the time of the “appearance” of the image doubted that even Juan Diego existed.

    ::ducks head::

    But I feel that doesn’t deride from the actual cultural significance of the icon. It means so much to many.

  3. I don’t think you had to be all sneaky on with the phone-cam. Most of LACMA’s permanent collection is freely photographable, but you could get in trouble with relevant rights holders if you choose to publish photos on the web or elsewhere, depending on the legal status of the works and their countries of origin. I’ve shot thousands of photos at LACMA, with very little hassle.

  4. Julio- I wish you could tell me how the Indians or Missionaries in those days had the technology to create a fraud that still can’t be figured out by today’s technology!! You can’t do that can you? Your statement is foolish to say the least. And you say that “some people” of those days aren’t so sure Juan Diego even existed, who are those people?, the same ones who have miraculous proof before them and still have the stupidity to not believe their own eyes??

  5. I have a Virgen (probably like many of you, too) on my wall. Mine is about 2 feet by 4 and was an heirloom I got once my mom died. I am forever amazed at the iconic power of this image. It has an inscription on a printed scroll at the bottom right that reads: “Virgen Santisima de Guadalupe, todos los mexicanos te damos gracias por 450 años de amor” and signed by a Mexican Arch Bishop with 1981 to the right . After the fancy stylized signature and date the print is spirituously dated 1531 -1981. Fraud or not doesn’t matter. History and this image are forever immortalized. The true strength of iconography cannot be denied.

  6. M GALINDO-“Fraud or not,doesn’t matter”. To people of Faith it does matter, do you think we have our faith and then just say,”Well it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, but I believe”. C’mon!!!!
    “The true strength of iconography cannot be denied”
    I say the true power of God cannot be denied. I may not agree with you, but do respect your opinion.

  7. Great post! I learned that the image of the Virgen was at LACMA and how to get in free (?) at 5:00 P.M. Thanks!

    Some images become icons of great power because they are generators of faith. I believe the Virgen is one of these. Science gives us a methodology to seek for truth, but it doesn’t explain the miraculous and the impossible . It’s theories for quantum physics is almost doctrinaire. Believe in the improbable!

    Things happen and people believe and have faith – which re-powers the generators of faith. Yeah, I believe.

    Who is in for a chorus of “Mananitas” for the Virgen?

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