Dionicio Morales, longtime activist for the citizens of the Eastside and a man who created opportunities for many throughout the years, passed away September 24 at Beverly Hospital in Montebello. He was 89.
Morales founded the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation in 1963 “to provide for the socio-economic betterment of the greater Latino community of California, while preserving the pride, values and heritage of the Mexican American culture. This is accomplished through programs in early childhood education and family services, job training, and senior lifestyle development throughout the multi-cultural communities served by MAOF,” according to the MAOF mission statement.
The Foundation provides different services to the communities it serves throughout Southern California, among them English classes, job training, and support for child care and cultural programs, among them ballet folklorico and mariachi groups.
Morales received a number of accolades in honor of his work for the communities of the Eastside, among them a Gold Line Eastside station named in his honor.
A private funeral reception will be held tomorrow, September 30, at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mariana de Paredes Church, Pico Rivera. Funeral mass begins at ten a.m. A public memorial will be held Friday, October 3rd, details pending. For more details on the public memorial, contact Vanessa Velez at vanessa.velez[at]promericabank.com or check the Dionicio Morales website.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to:
- Dionicio Morales Foundation,
- Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, or
- Dionicio Morales Destiny Scholarship Fund, for students in Ventura County,
1317 Del Norte Road Suite 150, Camarillo, CA 93010
Que en paz descance don Dionicio Morales.
UPDATED 9/30/2008: The public memorial will be held Friday, Oct. 3rd, at nine a.m. at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, Downtown Los Angeles.
*Updated with information provided by Urbanista.
For more information, read his obituary at the L.A. Times’ website. You can also read more at his personal website and the MAOF website. Image above taken from his website.
What a loss to everyone and what a life don Dionicio Morales led!
We used to have so many like him who sacrificed and stuck their necks out without monetary consideration, only a desire to inspire and assist the poor and less fortunate to aspire to meaningful and successful lives.
Seems there is an shortage of individuals like Mr. Morales nowadays, hopefully this will change.
Adonde irá veloz y fatigada
La golondrina que de aquà se va,
O si el viento se hallará extraviada
Buscando abrigo y no lo encontrará.
Junto a mi lecho le pondré su nido
En donde pueda la estación pasar;
También yo estoy en le región perdida
Oh cielo santo! y sin poder volar.
Dejé también mi patria idolatrada,
Esa mansión que me miró nacer,
Mi vida es hoy errante y angustiada
I ya no puedo a mi mansión volver.
Ave querida, amada peregrina,
Mi corazón al tuyo estrecharé,
Oiré tu canto, tierna golondrina,
Recordaré mi patria y lloraré
RIP Dionicio Morales
Just forwarding a message that I received.
Due to the Media Advisory in the Los Angeles Times, we need to get the word out immediately that the Morales family would like Dionicio Morales’ funeral in Pico Rivera tomorrow to be kept small and the family has requested that the interment be kept private for immediate family. However, they join us in inviting you to the public memorial service to be held this Friday, October 3 at 9:00 am at the Cathedral located at 555 West Temple Street in Los Angeles. There will be no dignitary eulogies at the family service but we will welcome them at the memorial service on Friday. Please help us get the word out immediately. Thank you for your support on behalf of the Morales family and we look forward to seeing you Friday.