Yeah, I know, this is old news, but it’s new to me: one of the ELAC parking lots has been outfitted with a whole bunch of solar panels and is now producing about 45% of the electricity the school needs. That’s a pretty good idea. And I bet it helps keep cars cooler. But even better, us swapmeeteros can now rummage through the goods without roasting our necks! Click ahead for a few more pics.
I was at the swapmeet to replenish my stock of $1 deodorant and to find a great gift for my special lady friend in the $3 bins, cuz when it comes to charming the gals, I go all out! I hadn’t been here in awhile so these panels were quite surprising, but they’ve been working on this green plan for some time. The sign above reminds you not to go monkeying around lest you learn a jolting lesson.
Everyone was trying to stay in the shade on this hot Sunday.Thank you solar panels.
Aww, they do care! But actually, you can park on the college side of the street, just read the signs carefully.
I think they just want to make that extra $2 for parking. Never! If you want to see a much more extensive piece on the ELAC swapmeet, check out this old post I did. Or just show up on Sunday for a taste of the Swap Meet lifestyle.
That is all.
If I were a man, I’d dress like the señor in the first picture.
He has the cinturon piteado, a guayabera-ish shirt, un sombrero elegante and those shiny kind of “musico” Levis I’ve only seen for sale on the Eastside. Ajua!
With all the new construction going on over at ELAC, I’ve noticed that they’ve also torn down all of the buildings that had all those large murals from the 1984 Olympics.
Sad, I liked those murals. Oh well,…ni modo.
“You’re so sad and regional, chick…”
This sounds like the first line of a song. Anyone care to finish it?
Here’s my line:
“…with your Eastside-centric posts, you got a bone to pick”
Sorry, the heat is getting to me! 🙂
Al you don’t know the half of it TRUST ME. As an ELAC student I have a couple of post in the works and as soon as school starts on September 2, I’m going to be filling you guys in on some of the history, events and great people that make up ELAC. I’ll also include chisme and drama that goes on cause you would not believe half the stuff that happens sometimes. In fact, with all the major events that take at ELAC, I could start my own ELAC oriented blog, but I can’t because I would get hell from my journalism advisor and our current Editor in Chief. I can’t wait for school to start again.
Ohh and I would add to the your song Chimatli, but I can’t carry a tune to save my life.
“You’re so sad and regional, chick…â€
“…with your Eastside-centric posts, you got a bone to pickâ€
With your big belt buckles and sombreros tejanos,
You look like you shoplift at Los Tres Hermanos….
Word! the swap meet vida lives!! and that is great ELAC is doing it’s part in conserving energy!
Great post I got to check this place out one of these weekends, beccero get ready to give me a tour of your hood swap meet guey lol!
I knew you would think of something excellent, Al. Keep it going cause there’s no way I can top that!
..You wear those guayaberas
You dress pa’ la fregada
you crank up your Rancheras
in the pinchi madrugada
I wish I could sleep
living next to you,
But all I hear all night
is pinchi “Cock-a-doodle-do”
You’re so sad and regional chick,…
You could pass for Pancho Villa
minus the dick…
I see you Sunday mornings
estrenando your new jeans
Like a Big Queso at the Swap Meet
spreading out over the beans
You’re well known at all the cockfights
All the Pollos know your name
Even Los Tigres del Norte
have a song about your fame
You’re so sad and regional chick
you own a goat, a pig and calf,
you’re so sad and regional chick
Even LA Migra makes you laugh.
hahaha malandrina, bring some tamales for the trip. I’ll take you to the all the good spots and hook it up. I remember the time I found a costume for Magnum P.I. for $ 5. It came with fake chest hair and everything hahahahah
Al wins! Now someone needs to turn it into both a punk song and a corrido! Fucking classic.
Al, that was brilliant! Any musicos out there willing to create the tune?
Wacha for that pinchi “EL VIEJO” who’s going to demand “royalties” now!
Los Tres Hermanos is greatest store in the world. Where else can I get a Malverde silk shirt?
I dunno soledad…Tres hermanos is known to be bootlegging the X’s on those Stetsons. I will give them (the owners) props for knowing Spanish pretty damn good though. Years back (2000) I was hangin’ out with some of those cats at a graduation tardeada in Long Beach (Cherry St)…those guys are more Sinaloa than El Lebano! Crazy how they adapt and/or take on the idiom of the Northern Mexico Pacific coast. Helluva ethnographic study to conduct along La Pacific Ave.
Al’s song needs to be in it’s own post rather than hidden in the comments.
And yay for built in shade and sustainable energy! I hated going to the Vineland swap meet in La Puente because there was no shade!
Who cares if they’re bootlegged… If it fits, it’s all good!
And thanks for the great idea on a research project…
thats pretty cool that they are using solar panels, we need to do more shit like this.
it’s good that there are initiatives like this in communities. i wish it was a bit more like this here in the UK
Al Desmadre,
Your song NEEDS to be recorded!! That is classic pinche desmadre, right there.
El Chavo… I recently started reading most, if not all your blog entries y me hacen cagar de la risa!!