Terminator- The Silver Lake Chronicles

Fox TV was filming some scenes from TERMINATOR THE SARAH CONNER CHRONICLES in my neighborhood today. Not much action, but they did Terminate all of the parking for three blocks around for two days. A major pain in the ass, but it’s an industry town, right? Just one of the prices we pay for living in Tinseltown. We still bitched to the studio people, and they gave us their usual response: “But we bring Money into the neighborhood!”. Wish I’d see some of it.

I got to see the Terminator Chick, Summer Glau. She looked too skinny to terminate much of anything. And the dude, whats-his-name that plays John Conner, he was in the truck…..

I’ve seen scenarios like this one (above) around here many times, only they weren’t actors, just some local maniaco Silver Lake Queens cruising it!!

They turned the Army Surplus Store into a Fruit & Flower shop. I was lucky. They gave me a pass to put on my car so I could park in the filming zone. My car became a “Film Vehicle” for the day. That’s a wrap!

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About AlDesmadre

Al Guerrero, Artist/Humorist. Los Angeles, CA. Born in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico and raised in East Los Angeles from the age of two, Al Guerrero grew up just steps from the famous Chicano strip, Whittier Boulevard. His youth experiences include witnessing and participating in the 1970 Chicano Power demonstrations, cruising cars on Whittier Boulevard, and graduating from Garfield High School. After dropping out of UCLA (with honors), he drew upon his lifelong passion for art and cartooning and pursued a career in graphic arts. During this period, he traveled overseas and found artistic inspiration from the masterworks he discovered within the European Art Museums. His career blossomed when he was eventually hired by the Walt Disney Company in 1995, where he worked as a creative artist for a number of years. Although the artistic work was rewarding, he eventually grew weary & disillusioned with the bureaucracy of the entertainment business, and left to work briefly in the educational field. His credits include producing a feature film with actor, Conrad Brooks of Ed Wood fame, founding and performing with the Punk Rock group “The Psychocats” at numerous L.A. & Hollywood venues during the 1990’s, and in 1999 he founded and created a hell-bent puppet cabaret show aptly named: “The Puppets from Hell”. As a long time active member of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society, Al “Quaeda”, as he was known, was involved in countless Cacophony Society pranks and events throughout the city. He also produced the “Incredibly Strange Cinema” cult film series as well as themed events such as the now infamous “Pornothon Movie Nights” and the satirical “Mexican Night: Noche De Tequila & Putas” shows at local nightclub venues. Throughout his art career, he has exhibited his canvas paintings at various local galleries, and has also written & illustrated numerous comic strips and Graphic Novel stories. Today, he lives in Silver Lake, California and works as a freelance artist and writer with numerous multi-media projects under his belt and in the works. His personal hobbies include collecting vintage toys and comic books, cinema history and Los Angeles City history. Contact: alguerrero@earthlink.net Al Guerrero P.O. Box 29697 Los Angeles, CA 90029-0697 www.alguerrero.com Myspace.com/thepuppetsfromhell

19 thoughts on “Terminator- The Silver Lake Chronicles

  1. As much as an inconvenience as it is, it’s true, they do bring money to the neighborhood but perhaps not directly to your pocket. They work, they eat, they order food locally. I can imagine the services they hire to shut down blocks and film skinny minies and gueros in trucks. I hate the Army Surplus guy but he most likely saw profit as well. It trickles down, and yes, Hollywood has lots of money for these huge productions. I hope they ate taco truck off of Alvarado, Taco Zone rules and those ladies can cook just like my abuelita.

    ps- Hope the pan of the mural wall includes Uncle Craig’s undies and tattoos (look at picture #3 above).

    Bike more car less.

  2. “It trickles down”

    The trickle down economics theory via the film industry. Though I guess the film industry has prevented LA from becoming Detroit, in some aspects. Lots of working class security guards would lose their barely paid way of life if the film industry disappeared.

    Al I got scared for the army surplus store for a second I thought it was gone for real.


  3. I got freaked out once when they filmed ugly betty where I live and turned two blocks into New York for the day. The only actors that stuck out for me was the chocolate lab from the show.

  4. Is the money the film crews bring in by buying from local business more than the money lost from the disruption of traffic and commerce?

  5. It’s broader then the film crews alone. The industry requires services to operate and fortunately, beyond traffic disruptions, this need creates commerce. It’s a double sided argument and all points are valid. I’d guess locals who may be interrupted by the filming can return at a later point. I’m sure if they really need a camouflaged accessory they’ll wait.

    It’s my favorite thing to hear the Latino pessimism all the time. ‘Pero el traffico, pero esto, pero, PERRO…’ ¡Ya, basta! Go walk that dog and search for value in all things. There will always be something imperfect to a situation. It really depends most on what side you care to stand on. Truchas!

    Bike more car less.

  6. I don’t think it is isolated to the Latino community what is being what some may call being “pessimistic”.
    In most parts of the industrial world regular people (like regular people in tujunga, boyle heights, san gabriel, compton ….) have issues and when they let those issues be known the govt does something. It is not just about the rich. You don’t have people parroting crackpot trickle down economic theories. That’s why in most western countries people have reasonable health care, reasonable safety nets, quality of life that is vastly superior to what we have here in the US, one of the richest countries in the world. And why is that? Because somewhere along the way someone very rich made questioning any thing something bad or negative or commie or unamerican and that is bullshit. The film industry and the propaganda it sells here and abroad is one of the major contributors to ignorant dignity.

    Not complaining or questioning so you can stay happy or stay in good graces of the happy is nothing more than ignorance.

    The many pieces of crap and lies are spread to the young in part by film, TV, and now the internet. The lies that cars are good, spending money is good, having lots of money is good, lots of sex is good, killing is good. Those are pretty much the basis of all entertainment. And I think the more people who question the artless film industry and what the point of it is the better. The film industry does way more harm than good to the average jane or joe on the street.

  7. Hahahaha…

    I only laugh because the original focus of this article has taken on a new face. If anything, I’ll stand firm on the idea of dialog and expressing opinion. Should I care to have my own opinion respected I respect others equivocally.

    So, ¡right on! to everyone, keep it moving. Thought, idea and expression leads to progress.

    I’m not an economist, nor did I spout any theory in my comment. I use “trickle down” in the context of my personal experience. If you recall the writers strike not to long ago, there was a direct correlation between La Gente de Los Angeles and the film industry. Not just my paisanos but the ‘people’ in this city.

    When I describe pessimism it relates to a very specific cultural nuance and why I say “pero” (or “but” to translate; ie: excuses). As a voice in this community and of the ethnicity I care to address and comment upon, no, this is very specific and Latinos make excuses. Not all Latinos but Latino gente I have interacted with. I have also met Latinos who make NO excuses and forge forward where obstacles are met.

    Again, this is based on personal reference. Sure, there’s a lot of pessimistic people out everywhere, I agree. But, read carefully, please.

    I’m also not opposed to foreign countries or their social systems or management of public decry. But, this is about the good ole’ U.S. of Los Angeles. So, for now, the problem I care to address is the one at hand that I can lend solution and opinion to directly. Nothing is perfect like I said before.

    But again, it’s an opinion that I intended towards solution not argument.

    A side note to your comment, since all is fair, right?

    I don’t watch television so I’m not certain that it’s all crap. I’d watch Nova or National Geographic Specials if I had the time. Perhaps a more specific relationship to examine is why parenting, or lack of, allows children to view what may be deemed violent, noneducational, immoral, phobic or misleading: I miss anything? As adult viewers, we should be able to discern and make choices accordingly. Some do and some do not and I accept this.

    As far as a lack of artistic content in films, maybe check out this –>


    Perhaps it’s a two part answer on the artless industry and how cars are good.

    Bike more car less vato!

  8. one issue sort of underlying this discussion but not really explicitly raised is the lack of representation of Latinas/os in film and television. It’s an old argument, because the situation hasn’t changed–especially not with sci fi future shows and movies, where we have magically disappeared completely from the universe so that they finally don’t have to deal with us at all.

    I think it’s interesting to think about how these film crews displace people and disrupt communities in order to create all these warped, perverted pop culture representations of our city that leave those same displaced and disrupted communities safely out of the picture. look at the crews next time they’re around. I have, lots of times, because they are CONSTANTLY on my street and around my general area where I live. Look at them next time–they’re pretty much all WHITE, and what they produce is WHITE.

    maybe if this were not the case, people might be a little more sunshiny about all the economic trickling down benefits and all that. but we’re talking about doing shit jobs in order to assist in the process of your own cultural erasure.

    in a larger sense, local people interrupted by the mediatization of their homes CAN’T return, because this cultural mis-representation and erasure is one of the key elements of the more general process of gentrification.

    This process of mediatization replaces the real neighborhood with a simulacrum of the neighborhood in which all the undesirables have been removed and replaced with desirables and the occasional safely contained undesirable here and there.

    The whole thing prefigures in the popular imagination, and paves the way for, the “real” process of gentrification. Think of it as a kind of dry run with the cameras rolling. The footage then becomes the commercial that lures the yupster/hipster/fuckster types to come in from SF, NY, the midwest, etc., and voila–Gentrification! Lifestyles of the Hip and Fakest, with Rob & Leech.

    anyway, that’s my opinion toward “solution.” as with any real attempt at achieving a solution, it is aimed at fomenting real, critical analysis and dialogue, not just feel-good “every point is valid!” sweeps under the rug. every point is NOT valid. some are made from a position that seeks clarity and understanding. others are steeped in illusion and lack of information. and others are simply regurgitated, unquestioningly, from the Ministry of Truth–Fox News, LA Times, NY Times, CNN, Hollywood films, LA WEEKLY, etc. etc.

  9. The Terminator chick was sitting shotgun in that black pick-up at that same spot for HOURS so she must have studied every inch of Uncle Craig’s nasty Calzones on that mural. as far as them bringing money into the neighborhood, I observed that the cast & crew took breaks and ate only at Craft Services. No one seemed to have the free time to shop around and even the extras were all herded into one area during down time. Some of the businesses did get “compensated” in cash for any loss of customers during the filming but I asked some of the smaller shops and they said that they got nothing. The film co. did put up signs saying “Businesses are open during filming” on the street corners, but at the same time, there was no place for anybody to park, so it’s “La Ley De Herodes”. By the way, my Tia Concha taught me
    that as Catholics, it’s our right to suffer and complain all we want, and if anything ever feels too good, we should feel damn guilty about it!

  10. “When I describe pessimism it relates to a very specific cultural nuance and why I say “pero” (or “but” to translate; ie: excuses).” Pancho

    You know every oppressed group of people has that exact kind of conversation or claim that their people have that issue you know the people who make excuses and the people who don’t.

    I think it’s silly. I think it’s some kind of way of saying that racism and oppression are the people’s who are oppressed fault and I think it’s wrong and it’s sad when poc talk down to other poc (whether they are of the same race or not) using that argument, in my opinion it’s sad and self hating, but that’s just my opinion.

    But moving on my confusion in your comment is what excuse was made here, who was saying anything about anything any different that when rich yuppies in downtown LA complain about the filming. I mean that happens on a daily basis in downtown and no one points to a “odd” trait that white people have, so just explain to me what you felt was an unwarranted complain or whine.

    I’m not trying to put you on the spot, but you made such a comment that I felt was flippant and a bit condescending, sort of like your hahaha statement to me, but I’m ok with that.

  11. And look how skinny that woman playing the part is, that’s horrible. I know so many people who want to be actresses and models and kill themselves so they can look like that person.

    When I’m on the bus and train going through Watts and Boyle Heights and my various other journeys in the city I am beginning to see skinny little anorexic Latinas and African-American girls, with little skinny jeans on with their little ribs sticking out (and they aren’t on drugs, i know what drugs look like and as a graduate of a woman’s college i know what ana/mias look like), yes I know both of those communities have issues with over eating, but I’m starting to see anorexic chicks in the projects and what the hell is that? What the hell is that? That’s TV and the internet and these stupid beauty magazines that what that is.

    Women in the project have never had much, but they used to have enough self confidence to eat a damn meal, now they are poor, oppressed and neurotic, we’ve all come so far…

  12. to kualyque-

    Imagine everything I’ve written thus far but angry… and NOT so sunshineesque? Go ahead, close your eyes mijo/a. Does the message work better for you to accept? You can decide and conclude for yourself and I don’t need a response to that. I will remain ardent to my perspective and demeanor to things in life. That said how about,

    Edward James Olmos – Battlestar Galactica, Sc-fi and Latino.

    You can open your eyes now 😉

    I know it’s a marginal measure of Latinos in film but it’s something I offer as example. I agree that Latinos are severely underrepresented in film and media especially knowing that Tinsel Town is located in one of the most important Latino enclaves in the world. Go figure that E.J.O. is a character based in space, the final frontier furthest from a tangible experience. Sad that if we are represented it’s light years away.

    Yea, most of the film crews I see working are usually white and I imagine the hierarchy of industry is also white. But then again, there’s Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron. All amazing talented directors. These are fledgling representations of the Latino Perspective in the industry but it is QUALITY. Again, it’s only marginal at best of the greater representation of gente Latino/a. In the mean time Tivo telenovelas on Univision or Telemundo (are they even around anymore?). I remember growing up eating at the table with ma’ma watching her novela and that dramatic background music emphasizing that it just got heavy in the scene, D A N G….

    I’m not certain I follow your assertion that cultural erasure occurs because scenarios in films or television are scripted. I may be wrong but there usually is a setting or ambiance infused to scripting and locations can be arranged to suit this vision. I can’t imagine E.J.O. flying his mother ship past a taco truck to get to the Avenues for some reason? Well, we’ll just say the world isn’t ready yet.

    Latino, hispanic, chicano/a, etc… I never lose sight of this or feel threatened because I watch a film. It’s make believe and when I watch films or television with my niece or nephew I always preface realism. Maybe people out there do lose themselves and believe everything they see or read, but I’ve never met them yet.

    Furthermore, when some underrepresented groups are in settings that challenge their cultural identity they cling to their identity with fervor and work twice as hard to preserve it. Some people choose to acclimate and adapt but this in way means erasure. I don’t forget the sacrifice my parents and grandparents made to be here and the traditions they brought with them. It’s all they owned at the time and in no way would I ever negate this. I hold that very close to heart and never lose sight of this because there is a film crew or my neighbors are white. I would care to believe that I am secure with my cultural identity in a room full of different faces.

    As far as validity goes, I personal hold every thought/idea/opinion as important even if I do not agree or believe it. I believe that most solid arguments are built on the examination of all perspectives involved in the issue(s) at large. Answers come from research and study and that just might be respecting an opinion that contradicts my own. In theory if I can use the language of my opponent I am able to dialogue and perhaps find rationale and conclusion that benefits all participants involved. You can beat the system from the inside too.

    Gentrification? Or, people who need a place to live look for a good deals? I’m curious to understand what an ideal neighborhood looks like? Is it one that only serves certain foods, or that all the occupants are of the same ethnicity, a specific socioeconomic strata perhaps? There are benefits to mixing the pot as well as it’s lack of benefits. This is a humorous example but one I offer. My parents still trip out on vegan people. My personal experience with gentrification is how my folks are mindful eaters because there are different options available that weren’t there before different groups arrived. From time to time they chuckle and say they’re vegan cause they had nopales for dinner.

    So kualyque, what’s your real solution? I support your awareness of under representation, issues associated with gentrification but what’s the solution?

    Context can mutate when the format is written and perhaps it’s happened often in these last comments from people as well as my own. There are no interruptions from counterpoints and an opportunity to answer and clarify is not available. So, at least I am able to respond graciously or sunnyshiny like que no?

    to browne-

    Again… Context can mutate when the format is written and perhaps it’s happened often in these last comments from people as well as my own. There are no interruptions from counterpoints and an opportunity to answer and clarify is not available. My laughter was not targeted specifically at you. You’re not on blast yet.

    “I respect others equivocally.

    So, ¡right on! to everyone, keep it moving. Thought, idea and expression leads to progress.” I can quote myself rather then quoting others; I’m certain of what was being shared.

    Now, this is a polite response to your posts, thanks.
    Are you oppressed?

    I made no declaration in my comments that I am oppressed or that people of color are oppressed. If you care to reference sad or silly then examine your own language closely.
    Ask an ethnocentric Latino/a if they’re oppressed and I doubt they’d confess. WE ARE NOT OPPRESSED!
    I wanted to clarify your comment if it was meant to represent people of color. If your perspective holds this idea true, then I offer my help to you, genuinely.

    Yes, there are still many strides we must traverse before the playing fields are leveled but I would care to think that self perpetuation aids progress when it is constructive and not negative. I don’t live in ideals but I also do not dwell or fixate on negativity. Sure there are obstacles abound but they exist for all groups. I believe in examining commonalities between people as one perspective to unraveling the cyclical nature of the place people of color hold in society.

    Skinny minis? Penelope Cruz needs a sheezburger tambien.

    I bike through Watts and B. Heights instead of the train to look at the projects. May I suggest skid row by taxi if you’re inclined? I’m not a big guy but please refrain from calling me skinny if we meet.
    And be careful when you talk about a chica if she’s thiny. Eating disorders are devastating and I’ve met some of those women as well. But it’s a choice and we can at best try to offer help. People have to accept help before positive changes may occur. As far as skinny jeans, remember Cross Colors and over sized overalls sagging. Skinny jeans are a fad. If you can fit into them, why not?

    Let’s connect some things in your comments before I continue.

    You say my comments were sad, silly and condescending, but how sure are you of your comments when your talking about POC and their physical characteristics and the projects they live in when you train by and you embed this neat factoid that you are a graduate of a womens college? (Shaking my head)

    So browne, what’s your real solution? I support your awareness of issues in society but come with it, walk the talk.

    ps- militant angelino

    Silverlake is now W.EASTSIDE LA, trumpets, crowns and confetti please. I thought I saw you at the Lotus Festival over the weekend.
    What were you doing so far West on the Eastside?

    Bike more car less

  13. dang, Pancho, you totally got me!

    your contributions to the conversation are not only insightful, they are humorous and light-hearted as well! keep them coming, please.

    or better yet, you should go start your own blog, you have a lot of Great Opinions to offer the world. they deserve a much bigger forum than this, especially if you are going to put so much time and energy into it.

    I especially like your point about Olmos as an example of Latino representation in film and TV, and sci fi no less. yeah, wow, you really got me there. I mean, that dude NEVER shows up in any films or TV. it’s not like he’s THE TOKEN hollywood latino or anything.

    You know, I was thinking, Pancho,….

    ah, you know I started yawning as I was typing that and then I realized how completely bored I am and then I forgot what I was going to say because I was so totally bored and then I realized that it would be much more interesting to yawn again and

  14. “Trickle down” isn’t a nice way to say it. It’s so Reaganesque – like people with money are making rain for everyone. It negates the real fact that the money is being exchanged for services and goods, and that the purchaser gains labor or capital through the transaction.

    All this spending is a benefit to the community only if the community gets a fair price for what they sell.

  15. Pancho,

    I know your laughter wasn’t at me specifically, you just have a problem with being one of “those” people. One of those, “I’m a genius and everyone else is a moron people.” Good for you smarty.

    Put me on blast. I double dog dare you.

    And why would anyone need to level the playing ground (you said that) if they aren’t oppressed? People who aren’t oppressed don’t say stuff like that. You think rich white guys talk about leveling the playing ground and about how their people need to get over it. Those are the words that only comes out of the mouth and are typed on computers of members of oppressed groups. You can pretend all you want, but your post speaks volumes. You know the truth even though you refuse to look at it.

    Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with pumping yourself up. But once you have developed confidence in yourself and who you are, you need to reflect on the world around you.

    In America I see a world where people who are working class, immigrants, members of POC (people of color) groups, and women are not given a fair shake. That is done by oppressing them. By not giving access, by putting up barriers, it’s not some buzz word for people who lack confidence, it’s real thing that is actually happening.

    I have taken the 121 bus through Watts. The 55 and the 53 through Compton and South Central. I take the 30, 31 through East LA and Boyle Heights.

    I transfer on the train (like the vast majority of POC do, because they cut lines that used to go all the way though, thanks METRO) and sometimes I have to take the bus home from Watts, since I often there too late to catch the Blue Line.

    Ever taken the 60 from Long Beach to Downtown at 2am, I suggest you try it. It’s different than a bike, you have to actually stand there and interact with people.

    So you are a cyclist, what are you one of those Midnight Ridazz (love how a bunch of tattoed yuppies from the film industry are dropping syllables, fabulous) lol…you bike though Watts and BH and you think that gives you some kind of a one up on me?

    I don’t need cab to go through skidrow. I have walked thorough skidrow at 1am, but even if I haven’t well so freakin’ what?

    What are you saying I don’t have a right to speak on certain issues?

    I can talk about any darn thing I want. Even if I were a bourgeoise privileged little shit from Brentwood, I could say can speak on any topic I want. There are some very conscious people who happen to be members of the upper-middle class. There are some conscious people out there who are white guys from the Midwest. Conscious is something you work on, not something you are born into.

    Castro and Che were both little privileged shits.

    So what are we playing now the, “I’m more down than you game.”

    I wasn’t talking about the fad of skinny jeans, I was talking about the fad of eating disorders (which roots are in capitalism, there ain’t no ana/mias in the native communities of the rainforest.) And I was never stupid enough to overpay for some ugly cross color jeans, I’m insulted that you would even imply that I would indulge in such a fashion don’t. Ok I’m being a bit silly with that one.

    But I know exactly where you’re going with this, why don’t you grow some manhood and just say it instead of dancing around where I know you so badly want to go.

    You’re pretty easy dude.

    I’m pretty excited about it. I have nothing to do today, but go to brunch and drink gin and tonics.

    Now on to what I think we should do. Everyone who has to cash a check to make a living should stop going to the movies, should stop watching TV and stop reading fashion and lifestyle magazines, that’s my idea of what I think we should do. And we should actively talk shit and agitate people who are members of the ruling class and encourage our lost brothers and sisters that make a living being tokens and kissing the ruling classes ass and being “positive” to stop licking the behind of the people who oppress us.

    I would like to see the creation of a sort of pluralistic, socialist society with an emphasis on respect of everyone’s talent and history and a deemphasis on money and the creation of wealth.


  16. this is a different point from the one I made a while back, but related.

    I just came across the metamute link below from the candyland blog. the link is to a really interesting essay on “slumsploitation,” the way that media representation of life in Brazilian favelas (e.g., City of God and “favela novelas”) has become a kind of “hot” commodity for the middle class in Brazil, as well as for export purposes to the US and other “first world” countries.

    it talks about how the media create a representation of the favela, using the favela and its inhabitants, that ostensibly provides visibility to a usually invisified sector of society, but how really, the representations are ultimately uncritical and actually aid in perpetuating the worsening class system by turning favela life into a commodity that is then consumed by the middle class in order to comfort themselves. following the link is a brief quotation from the piece.



    “…those living in favelas will continue to be portrayed in cultural commodities but are unlikely to benefit from their production. Furthermore, the box office and broadcast hits bringing favela life to middle class Brazilian and western audiences are taking place in a context of growing economic disparity and a ‘drastic diminution of the intersections between the lives of the rich and the poor’.[15] Sao Paulo’s 300 gated communities, serviced by the world’s highest volume of civilian helicopter traffic, and the Rio government’s plan to build a 7 foot wall around several favelas, push the working class further out of sight.[16] As material segregations proliferate in the cities of Brazil, it seems unlikely that the new market for consumer-friendly representations of the favelas will lead to anything more than profits off the backs of those who are, so to speak, providing the content.”

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