[audio:https://laeastside.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Godspeed-You-Black-Emperor-FAInfinity-01-The-Dead-Flag-Blues-Outro_.mp3|titles=Godspeed You Black Emperor! – F#A#Infinity – 01 – The Dead Flag Blues (Outro)_]
5 thoughts on “Come on down”
Listened the whole time through walking up the stairs, coming back down, smelling the grass. For a second I anticipated seeing a leprechaun, then I caught myself: “This is LA Eastside.” All of a sudden–a goatee sporting gnome. . . then a XX Lager. Julio your posts always are original. Thx. Feliz San Patricio!
Is that particular pyramid/suntemple located on North Broadway in Lincoln Heights,L.A.Califas?
Listened the whole time through walking up the stairs, coming back down, smelling the grass. For a second I anticipated seeing a leprechaun, then I caught myself: “This is LA Eastside.” All of a sudden–a goatee sporting gnome. . . then a XX Lager. Julio your posts always are original. Thx. Feliz San Patricio!
Is that particular pyramid/suntemple located on North Broadway in Lincoln Heights,L.A.Califas?
Yes it is XicanoSerg.
Awesome photo! I love wild spaces in the city!
I thought it was a waterfall at first.