Chilaquiles at Homegirl Café

Earlier today, a friend noted that there was nothing sexier than a man who makes good waffles. I scoffed. Waffles are overrated. Find me a man who makes excellent chilaquiles and I’ll fall in love. Yes, chilaquiles are that awesome. They’re simple yet so tasty, the perfect example of what I grew up calling “poor people’s food.”

A couple of years ago I started a project on my blog to review chilaquiles at local Mexican restaurants. (Yes, I was copying El Chavo’s huevos rancheros series.) I did one review and then let the project go, but continued to eat my fair share of my favorite breakfast dish. The problem with reviewing food is that a photo is necessary, but I often forget to stop and take a picture.

On Friday morning, I was patient… at least for a minute.

I finally got up early enough to try the tasty breakfast at Homegirl Café. Although I was craving chilaquiles, I almost chose the flor de calabaza omelette (only offered when in season). They had four (I think) different types of chilaquiles. I chose the chilaquiles made with a minty tomatillo salsa, a side of scrambled eggs and black beans. My friend chose enfrijoladas with a chipotle salsa.

The chilaquiles were tasty, but a tad on the cold side. I would have appreciated if they were spicier and if they were a little soggier. Although I usually don’t add crema or sour cream to my food, I think crema and onions would have been good toppings for the chilaquiles. The chilaquiles were topped with just the right amount of queso cotija. The beans and side of scrambled eggs were also delicious. Unlike my friend, I couldn’t finish all my food… I wanted to leave room for something from the bakery.

On the way out, I bought half a dozen highly addictive Mexican wedding cookies to take to my dissertation writing group meeting. The powdered sugar has to be laced with something.

The total for two at Homegirl Café was $20 and change. Next time I decide not to sleep in on a rainy Friday, I’ll sample something else from the breakfast menu.

5 thoughts on “Chilaquiles at Homegirl Café

  1. Hmm… Those do look good. I love the ones from Moles la Tia and El Sol on 1st street too. Yummy with cafe de olla. Perfect rainy day pick up meal. I’ll have to give homegirl a shot since it’s a goldline ride away.

  2. The only time I ate at HC it took forever, how was your wait? Yeah, and the food was a bit cold too.

    I saw this on your site the other day and had to have some for breakfast, had the ones at Loteria Grill. Not too shabby if a bit pricey.

  3. The first pic you have posted are some fake ass chilaquiles!

    Everybody knows true chilaquiles aren’t deep fried chips. Que asco!!! What’s fried is the sauce that goes over the hand torn tortilla pieces. Other than that, yes chilaquiles are bomb!

  4. The chilaquiles look a little dry. I like mine saucy. My two fav places for chilaquiles are in Highland Park.
    Metro Balderas has DF style green chilaquiles, I think they are made with parsley and epazote like they do in DF. They come with black beans and bolillo – just like you’d get in DF!
    I also like the chilaquiles at Huarache Azteca (more DF style food!)
    They are one of my fav dishes too but so many restaurants cheap out using tortilla chips and weak sauce, then charge like $8. Ridiculous.
    The best chilaquiles I ever had were at a little diner in downtown Tijuana, they were served with instant coffee. I swear it was the best breakfast. I have no idea how Mexicans can make instant coffee taste so good!

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