LA Eastside on Facebook!


Sure you can keep up with our site by adding our RSS feed to your reader, or by checking in daily or maybe when you get that forwarded email of Tia Concha’s love advice that’s been making the rounds amongst bored office workers. If you’re like me though, you probably spend a nice chunk of time on Facebook so we created a Facebook page so that’s even easier to keep up on all the chisme that way. What you waiting for?
LA Eastside’s Facebook fan page

5 thoughts on “LA Eastside on Facebook!

  1. Oh no! After all the recent talk on a few posts, and after all the threaded comments: gentrification, the true meaning of Chicanismo, inclusiveness or dissent of the “hipster” aesthetic on traditionally Latino barrios–LA Eastside has a Facebook page. Dios mio! What has the world come to? Les dije, les dije! Is there nothing sacred left in East Los. . . just kidding; what I really mean is. . . .

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