Valentine Values

Holidays mean an opportunity for jobbers to make a buck, and Valentine’s day is one of the biggest days to cash in. I took a few random pics of some of the ones I passed by, click ahead to see.

One of these days I’m going to specifically go around and take as many pictures of all the impromptu outfits that set up outside their businesses, homes, and freeway off ramps just to get a rough idea of how many people get in on these sidewalk ventures.Above, Market in Highland Park has balloons and more under the Menudo sign.

A sidewalk merchant admires her display.

The kids are put to man the tables. That sounds familiar.

Over by Olympic and Soto there was a heavy concentration of stalls. Whittier had a few but not as much.

Luckily the weather forecast people are always wrong, cuz it was a nice day to be out, not a raindrop to be seen. If you ever want some cheap teddy bear wrapped in plastic to give to that special friend on a special day, well now you know where to go.

2 thoughts on “Valentine Values

  1. We had a lot of sidewalk sales down here, too (here=right by the 10 and the 110 crossing– on Hoover, Vermont…). There was a woman walking around in the gas station parking lot with a very nice single bouquet in a vase of water. I’m not sure if she had more stashed somewhere or if it was just the single one. Her daughter was meanwhile trying to sell candy out of an over-the-shoulder candy case, standing between the gas pumps. I thought that was pretty impressive, since the gas station itself sold candy too.

  2. It seemed like there were less this year. It could be due to the rain that was predicted for Saturday, or maybe due to La Crisis.

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