Did you feel it? A strong jolt here in Lincoln Heights.
From the CalTech website:
A light earthquake occurred at 7:49:46 PM (PST) on Thursday, January 8, 2009.
The magnitude 4.5 event occurred 1 km (0 miles) N (5 degrees) of San Bernardino, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 14 km ( 9 miles).
Totally felt it!
It felt pretty strong here in LH considering how far away we are from San Bernadino, maybe it’s cause I live in an old house or something?
i was downtown and i didn’t but my man did and i thought he was crazy then we saw the local news commercial talking about it. ooo burn
I didn’t feel it in my part of LH. But I do like your choice of clip art! 🙂
I was driving at the time, and didn’t feel it =(
Totally felt it. Just one big bang and it was over, but it was enough to scare the cats.
“Totally felt it. Just one big bang and it was over, but it was enough to scare the cats.”…..
-that’s what she said.;)
I was in a building in Burbank and felt a lil shake