Beer Oasis in Boyle Heights

I was cruising along Soto earlier today, crossing my fingers that the Chavo-mobile wouldn’t panic at the slight incline coming up ahead and throw me off yet again, when all of a sudden I see the sign above. The Tequila Warehouse was interesting enough but the smaller type that reads “Over 450 Beers In Stock” was the clincher. Could it really be? In Boyle Heights? Alto burrito, vamos a ver! I tied Rucio to a post and went inside…

Whoa. I half expected to see mostly different sized bottles of the usual American Lagers that account for the bulk of beer shelf space on the Eastside but a quick glance proved that to be wrong. Yup, they have real beers. I didn’t bother to count out the 450 but I’ll take their word.

Belgian Ales and even Lambics, that’s pretty amazing. I used to visit this shop many years ago when it was a conventional liquor store, but I like this version much better.

The last time I saw Tetley’s in a can was on the tube in London, where a young English mother and her boyfriend were joyfully drinking and talking and laughing, no doubt due to the stash of cans they had in the baby stroller. It was a nice break from the usual pin drop silence on the Underground. Sadly, that practice was recently banned. I suppose once the Eastside Metro extension opens up I might get to see that again. Bring your paper bags ladies!

Revolution is intoxicating! I’m all for generalized overthrows but since I’m not a fan of hierarchies I refuse to drink this Che Beer swill. Now Anti-State Ale, that’s another story.

Ramirez Liquor is known for their impressive collection of Tequilas, they even had a nice write up in the LA Times. I’ll have to take a closer look at that wall next time.

This was my loot for the day. The total came out to around $22, which was very reasonable for these beers. I got a business card from the friendly staff, and I was on my way.

Next time you’re in Boyle Heights, make sure to check out the beer selection at Ramirez Liquor. I gave a palm full of Old Engine Oil to my donkey and he seemed to like the stuff, it certainly helped lubricate the old bag of bones.

Ramirez Liquor 323.261.2915
736 S. Soto St
Los Angeles, CA 90023

25 thoughts on “Beer Oasis in Boyle Heights

  1. There is a place exactly like this in Boston, near Boston University. Once I’m legal I’ll write something about it… But it was an oasis.

  2. OMG–on a clammy hot night like now—those pictures sure make me thirsty. Thanks for the tip—I am always asking people where I can pit-stop before getting to a party. BTW—I like your home brew the best still. Hope I’m not letting the cat out of the bag–but leave it to you to know where all the best beers dispensaries are.

  3. I don’t drink, BUT if I have 450 different beers to choose from I’ll wet my whistle. Next time I’m depressed about a girl, I’m heading down there since I live close to it. Then it’ll just be me, Jose Jose and a bottle of tequila. I wonder if they have borrachitos ? I love that candy.

  4. Uh oh. Here come the gentrifiers looking for their $4 beers.

    Tell them it’s cool to live right next to the freeways.

  5. Holy crap El Chavo that is awesome.

    I’m taking my cargo bike to Boyle Heights, and I’m going to load up on some good hooch.

    By the way, if you haven’t caught this Gustavo Arellano clip, it’s kinda funny and a little helpful when it comes to selecting tequila (when you’re a tequila novice, which I am because I don’t drink liquor that much):

  6. concentrating so many “off-sale” alcohol outlets in latino/black neighborhoods isn’t such a bad thing after all verdad alienation? the problem is the on-sale places eh.

  7. I’ve been there and I was like, “Wow this is amazing.” I mean it truly is amazing. It’s not your run of the mill corner liquor store, it truly is a special place. It should be on the list of things to do this summer.

    Can I drink 450 beers in one summer, of course I can.

  8. I wish I knew of that place when I were living on E. 4th, just down from Soto. (I would go to the little burrito place across from the police station on E. 1st while doing laundry down across from Mariachi Plaza.) I would have camped out there. It reminds me of Liquor Barn, where I could get everything including Celebrator.
    Now about those cans in the pram—were they empty or awaiting consumption?

  9. Shut up drunk bustard.

    Don’t feel bad fellow readings, I know him in a bad way. We’re sitting at a bar together right now.

  10. Edie, I’ll buy you a can of Murphy’s and for me, a can of Beamish, yum!
    Perhaps, the owners need to open a small patio outside for the Eastside crowd to enjoy their purchases.

  11. I used to be a 40 of OE kind of guy until I lived up in Berkeley for a few years, but my low class roots have hindered my beer snobbery. I like hef wheat beers, any other suggestions? Great topic by the way, Ill be there this week for sure.

  12. This is my fucken spot.. Big ups Ramirez Liquor..
    I use to be a loyal Chiqitas customer..but famous ed’s is a joke now.. now its Ramirez all the way.

  13. Pingback: Lotería Chicana » July Project, Part 2

  14. Oh damn!! I got my paper bags in order…. Beer me please…. Hmmmmm…. Lambic… It’s so fucken amazing…. Thank you for sharing!

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