Survey LA + contest!

Survey LA , part 2 of 3 (check out 5:40 for Lincoln Heights’ Church of the Epiphany)

Survey LA is a new project initiated by the Office of Historic Resources. A description from their website:

SurveyLA – the Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey – is Los Angeles’ first-ever comprehensive program to identify significant historic resources throughout our city. The survey marks a coming-of-age for Los Angeles’ historic preservation movement, and will serve as a centerpiece for the City’s first truly comprehensive preservation program.

Click through for more videos and a drawing for a free book!

It’s a program near and dear to my heart because I’m obsessed with old buildings and fortunately for me, the Eastside is filled with them. It’s the details I love: balconies, multi-paned double-hung windows, the plaques for various civic groups long gone, turrets, mahogany doors with beveled glass, sleeping porches and sunrooms, arroyo rock walls and chimneys, and numerous other bits of architectural details that catch my eye as I roam the neighborhood. I’ve done my own informal architectural survey of most of the homes in Lincoln Heights, so much so that I can tell you which houses have been recently stuccoed and which homeowners have just swapped out their 100 year old double-hung, wooden sash windows for cheap Home Depot vinyl ones. However, you need not be as crazy as I am to participate in this survey. They are looking for all kinds of volunteers:

The OHR is beginning a public participation and outreach program for the SurveyLA Pilot Survey program. We are recruiting volunteers and neighborhood organizers to both help us gather information about the history and development of these areas and participate in the field surveys. The surveys will identify places of architectural significance as well as social and cultural importance. Community participation and input in SurveyLA is critical to its success. For a list of volunteer opportunities and a volunteer sign-up sheet click here.


In honor of this ground breaking program, I’d like to announce LA Eastside’s first contest! Leave the address and/or description of your favorite Eastside building, house or place (block/alley/traffic median) in the comments below and we’ll enter you in a drawing to win this book (plus a few other surprise goodies): Glitter Stucco and Dumpster Diving: Reflections on Building Production in the Vernacular City by John Chase. And the book isn’t even used, how’s that for generous?

*Contest open to everyone, no purchase required.

Part 1 and 3 of the Survey LA video:

Survey LA, part 1 of 3

Survey LA, part 3 of 3

10 thoughts on “Survey LA + contest!

  1. I love the green glass deco S. Charles Lee DWP building in Lincoln Heights, or as I like to call it “Emerald City Town Hall.”

  2. Forgot to mention, contest ends Friday, June 20.
    Good choice Kim, I love that building – it’s so glamorous! There’s another art deco-ish building across the street covered under layers of stucco. Have you see it?

  3. I love the old glamorous bank building on Broadway in LH that is now an El Pollo Loco.

  4. Wow-Chimatli, That old photo is beautiful. I’ve always imagined what it would be like
    to stay there and enjoy that unmatched view to the west across the river into downtown.

  5. Oops, my comment didn’t go through yesterday…
    Kim is the winner of the drawing! Thanks to you all for participating!

  6. Thanks for the groovy books, which Richard has tucked away in his intellectual hidey hole and may let me see at some point. They looked pretty neat as he was scurrying off with them….

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