5 thoughts on “

  1. It’s funny that this should be the image. I came out of my design class and we talked about this very technique. On the one hand it’s cool. On the other hand, it’s so confusing it drives viewers bat shit. I wonder how many folks give up on this image and move on to another opened window on their browser versus how many stay on it and try to read it. And once read, does it “reward” the viewer.

    I personally love this shot and nice use of font and font size. except for “wasteland” because it crashes right into the bench. Go ahead and raise it up on photoshop so that it blends on the wall, not crash on top of the bench.

    Congrats on the 1000th post! And here’s to many more!

  2. @Steve: I am not a graphic designer or an “artist.” I made this haphazardly on the GIMP (since I refuse to use Photoshop). I suppose my composition is lacking since I made it difficult for the viewer to read. So my technique really is lack of technique.

    I am not sure what I was trying to do with this; I just did it. Vive le désir libéré!

  3. @Julio. Nah! It’s awesome. I’m not a designer either. But we we were having that discussion in class. Good work, bro. Do your thing.

    Let’s keep the art alive and coming!

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