Las Posadas

Sin Piñata No Hay Posada

Last night, a friend and I were taking a stroll around Olvera Street when we noticed many families leaving La Placita, the church across the way, carrying gifts and hot steaming cups of champurrado. We went over to see the festivities and were treated to tamales and the destruction of a couple of piñatas. I’m so behind the times, I didn’t realize last night was the first noche de las posadas.

Does your neighborhood carry on Las Posadas traditions? If so, anyone wanna invite me over for some ponche? I’m not religious but I’m happy to participate in any holiday that involves good food and communal celebrations!

Las Posadas at Olvera Street

3 thoughts on “Las Posadas

  1. Hmm, that show seems funny. Where is it from? Who is the creep with the suspenders? I know a reworking of the peregrinos song, but I don’t want to get in trouble.

  2. actually the 16th was the first night of the Posadas 9 night prior to Christmas. The Posadas are done at Olvera st nightly, its like the post office, neither rain nor cold nor lack of people stop the Posadas at Olvera st. a tradition there since its the beginning of olvera st.

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