A highly customized paint job on a regular looking old van. The best thing about this type of detailing is that you can get yours for free as well, just make sure to keep your ranfla parked in the same spot for a long enough time. Eventually people will notice and you will be signed up for the treatment. It’ll be ready for pickup before you know it!
For years there was a van permanently parked on the roof of a building along the 10 freeway in Downtown L.A. The van was on a building along the western lanes. I saw that van go from dilapidated to completely covered in tags in the span of years. It’s no longer there, though. Anyone remember that van?
Any word if Shepard Fairey has applied anti-graffiti coating on that van?
Chavo, you are too funny. There’s a lot at the end of my street where over-night parking can get you such a treatment. Chavalos cabrones!
“Any word if Shepard Fairey has applied anti-graffiti coating on that van?”
No but SF covered it in brick veneer and calls it “Van Number One”
Best thing about these “workers”, they rarely slack off or call in sick!! There’s no prejudice or hang ups about race or religion, everybody gets service!!
Its the smurf mobile!
That van driver must be very good… all those sponsors. 😉
Notice the fine detail on the passenger side rear view mirror!! Also, the “2400” on the hood must denote something special, you just can’t get anywhere!!
2400 denotes the 2400th block of Hancock in Lincoln Heights