LA Graffiti King “Chaka” First Art Show


 In the graffiti world we all heard of ” Chaka LOD” the infamous tagger who killed LA and beyond. His tags and throw-ups where seen all over in the late 80’s early 90’s. Even everyday people have come across hearing his name. He made news back in the days with being sought after for fucking shit up.  Almost twenty years later he is having his first gallery art show displaying his work.

April 25,2009

Mid-City Arts

5113 West Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90019

7 p.m -9 p.m

Other Stuff after jump

Juxtapose article

Chaka One Website

Mid City Arts Website

Check out the news article on ” Chaka” circa 1990

He was lucky I say, back then his crime was considered a  misdemeanor unlike today where graffiti is considered a felony. It  also depends on the extent of damage of  course, and in his case it would have definitely been considered felonies .

Suspect in `Chaka’ graffiti charged
Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA) –
Thursday, December 13, 1990
Author: Marc Igler
A man believed to be the
king of Southern California graffiti was charged Wednesday with 20 criminal
counts of vandalism for allegedly tarnishing thousands of buildings and walls —
including many in the South Bay. Authorities say they believe Daniel Ramos, 18,
is responsible for spray-painting the name “Chaka” on up to 10,000 locations
throughout California, causing at least $500,000 in damage. “The extent of the
property damage makes this the worst case of graffiti vandalism we have seen in
Los Angeles or heard of anywhere else in the nation,” said Los Angeles City
Attorney James Hahn. In the South Bay, investigators said Ramos’ distinctive
graffiti stained several walls along the beach as well as overpasses and ramps
of the San Diego and Century freeways. Wednesday’s charges bring to 48 the
number of misdemeanor counts filed against Ramos since he was arrested Nov. 28
in Lincoln Heights while drawing his name on a traffic pole. The Boyle Heights
resident, who lives in a local housing project, allegedly proclaimed, “I am the
famous Chaka!” when he was arrested, police said. Ramos has pleaded innocent to
the 28 initial charges and is being held on $10,000 GRAFFITI/A6GraffitiFROM PAGE
A1bail. Each count is punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Arraignment on the new charges is set for Dec. 20. Hahn said prosecutors want
Ramos to be sentenced to jail, then receive a substantial community service term
that would focus on cleaning up graffiti. Deputy City Attorney Peter Shutan, who
is handling the case, said Ramos is not a gang member but was part of a group of
teen-agers known as a “crew.” “They’re basically a bunch of taggers who go
around putting their names on everything they can find,” said Shutan, who
specializes in gang -related cases. “That’s what a crew lives for. It’s their
raison d’etre.” “There’s no question Ramos was the most prolific graffiti artist
in that crew and is the most prolific we’ve ever seen. Most of the sitings of
his handiwork are in central Los Angeles, but there have been many from the
South Bay area.” Ramos apparently selected the word “Chaka” as his graffiti
nickname from a character on the television show “Land of the Lost.” “It’s a
children’s show. I guess he just liked the character,” Shutan said. “Chaka”
graffiti ranged from simple scrawlings on utility poles to elaborate,
multicolored murals that took hours to complete on the sides of buildings and
freeway retaining walls. One of Ramos’ favorite victims was Southern Pacific
railway cars because they carried his moniker hundred of miles to distant
cities, Shutan said. Southern Pacific officials estimate the alleged vandal
caused about $30,000 worth of property damage. In addition, authorities in
Fresno are investigating “Chaka” graffiti that caused $6,000 damage to a water
tower. The same name and distinctive bubble letters also appear on fixed
locations as far south as Orange County and as far north as San Francisco.
Section: NEWSPage: A1Index Terms: NEWS; GRAFFITI. VANDALISM.Record Number:
0000318415Copyright (c) 1990, Daily Breeze, All Rights Reserved


His moniker is classic in graffiti and  he remains a legend with graffiti artist in Los Angeles. He now  turns a new leaf  with his art displayed in his first show.

9 thoughts on “LA Graffiti King “Chaka” First Art Show

  1. It’s about time. I always wondered if he would try to do something with his reputation. It was actually kinda fun spotting his mark all up and down the west coast. If you can believe it, I also saw a chaka placa in Barcelona, but it could have been an imitator. I think I have a picture somewhere…

  2. yeah its fun see all the vandalism he did and all the money he cost the city.i hope he has at least put his talent to good use now.

  3. @ Chavo Ya I heard there where imitators later on, but not too sure I can ask around about that because that would be interesting to know.

  4. the dude is a criminal and doesn’t deserve any recognition, expect for being a fool.

  5. Not to be mean but I heard they called him chaka in school cause of they way he looked…like the article mentions, it came from the show Land of the Lost.

  6. My building on Pico was signed by Chaka and I happened to run into him when he was in prison. I guess he reformed but unless I go to his show maybe he really isn’t reformed?

  7. true mabye he dosent deserve recognition for his tags because he made graffiti look way worse than it was and thats why they dont like us because they dont considerate art but vandialism, but he did get up and thats true he had balls for it but when it comes to true graffiti he dosent fit in it becuase he never bombed or peaced something clean only did throw-ups and tags…

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