Second Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair

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L.A. Anarchist Bookfair: Actions + Conversations + Intersections 2010
Ideas Occupying Space:
Sunday January 24th : :
Barnsdall Art Park 4800 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Actions, Conversations, and Intersections

Libertarias Pre-Bookfair Film Screening
Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 7pm
Koreatown Immigrant Worker’s Alliance Culture and Education Center, 3465 W 8th Street Los Angeles


Anarchists to Hold Bookfair, Disseminate Radical Literature

Public is invited for workshops, performances, experiments in
non-oppressive relations

LOS ANGELES – A group of Southern California anarchists is holding a
bookfair on Sunday, January 24th at Barnsdall Art Park in Hollywood
from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The purpose of the bookfair is to provide
the Los Angeles community with access to radical literature, engage in
workshops, discuss current topics, and create communities of

“Anarchism is a working-class response to capitalism,” said Diego Flores, one
of the bookfair organizers. “Now that the system is failing so
massively, with so many out of work and even reforms such as health
care bill really being limited by big business, a lot of people are
becoming interested in what anarchism has to offer.” For this reason,
in addition to the author panels one might expect at a literary event,
there will also be workshops regarding the student movement,
anti-authoritarian parenting, indigenous resistance, health, political
prisoners, and many more topics touching various aspects of life.
“Workshops allow people to actually get involved with the material
that is being presented,” explained Emma, “and that really goes along
with our vision of creating a non-oppressive society with everyone’s

“Everyone is welcome at the bookfair. We all have things to learn and
to teach.” Children’s activities will also be provided in order to
facilitate the participation of families, and food, including
vegetarian and vegan options, will be available. The park is also

“Last year caught us off guard. We were expecting 150-200 people, and
well over 500 showed up. This year is going to be even better because
of the unique location. It’s close to public transportation lines,
it’s got a gallery and a theater, and once the sun goes down, we get a
beautiful view of L.A. I’m really excited about this year’s bookfair!”
said a bookfair organizer who preferred not to give her name. Workshops and panels will be
held during the day, with musical performances scheduled for the

In order to create awareness about the bookfair, and about anarchism
in general, the Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair Collective is hosting a
screening of the film Libertarias, a film about the struggles of
Spanish women against both dictator Franco’s fascism and the sexism of
their own comrades in arms. The film will be screened Thursday,
January 21 at the Koreatown Immigrant Worker’s Alliance Culture and
Education Center, 3465 W 8th Street in Los Angeles at 7:00 PM. The
screening will be followed by a discussion about the film, and
although a donation will be requested at the door, no one will be
turned away for lack of funds.

A list of participants

Taala Hooghan: Infoshop & Youth Media Arts Center

South Central Farmers

Critical Resistance

Catholic Worker

Anti-Racist Action/Turning the Tide

Anarchist Black Cross Federation L.A.

PM press

Microcosom Publishing

AK press

Little black cart

Make/Shift magazine

Journal of aesthetics and protest

R.A.C. : Revolutionary Autonomous Communities



CUNTastic: a journal of sexual & reproductive freedom

Dos Lunares: investigating the intersection between Flamenco and
Romani/Gypsy culture through printed matter, film, & events.

Friendly fire collective

Poison Oak Collective

Anarcha L.A. : a group of anarchists, feminists, and non-gender
conforming individuals

Insane Dialectical Posse: “Where we see the fire of class antagonism,
we bring gasoline.”

Center for the Study of Political Graphics

Imix books

Quiver distro – rebel communications

News & Letters:”Human power is its own end”

Groundwork Book collective

Black Is a Culture

Workers Solidarity Alliance

Los Angeles Independent Media Center

KPFK 90.7 Pacifica

The Icarus Project

Southeast L.A. Infoshop

D.I.Y. Zine

Skylight Books


Panel Discussions (all taking place at the Barnsdall Gallery Theater)

1PM-2PM Authors Panel

2PM-3PM Political Prisoners

3PM-4PM Indigenous Resistance

4PM-5PM Student/Worker Occupations



“Dual Power and Modern Anarchism”
By Harjit Singh and Adam W.
(A – Vista Area)

“We’re still here, we never left”
By Revolutionary Autonomous Communities
(B- Video Room)

“A far-too-short overview of the German Autonomen”
By Raoul Guingouin
(C- Gallery South)

(D- Theater Garden)

“Anarchist Urban Planning Theory”
By Olympia Tveter
(E- Jr. Arts Center)


Authors Panel
(Barnsdall Gallery Theater)

(A – Vista Area)

“Anarchist Posters and other images”
Display only, no discussion
By anonymous graphic compilers and Center for the Study of Political Graphics
(B- Video Room)

“Anti-fa Caucus”
(C- Gallery South)

“Guerrilla Gardening and Permaculture from/for the Anarchist and APOC community”
By Nicole Celaya
(D- Theater Garden)

“Radical Mental Health”
By Jaimie
(E- Jr. Arts Center)


Political Prisoners Panel
(Barnsdall Gallery Theater)

(Grassy Area reserved for large crowd gathering, as follow-up discussion space after Authors panel)

“Anarchist/ Radical Parenting”
By Kaley
(A – Vista Area)

“H2-A worker abuses in the Colorado Sheep Industry”
Film and discussion by Confluence Media Collective
(B- Video Room)

“Meet the Workers Solidarity Alliance”
By Tom Wetzel
(C- Gallery South)

“Emergency Response Network”
(D- Theater Garden)

“Veganism: Reducing oppression the nutritious, healthy, low-cost way”
By Matt Ruscigno
(E- Jr. Arts Center)


Indigenous Resistance Panel
(Barnsdall Gallery Theater)

Political Prisoners
(Grassy Area reserved for large crowd gathering, as follow-up discussion space after Political Prisoners panel)

(A – Vista Area)

“Hands Off Oakland Rebels” a short film abut the Oscar Grant rebellions.
By The Oakland 100 Support Committee
(B- Video Room)

Anarchist Archives/ Institute for Anarchist Studies
By Andrew and Cindy Milstein
(C- Gallery South)

(D- Theater Garden)

“Revolution and Health: anarchists working in health care as nurse, EMTs, doctors, street medics, etc.”
By Rebecca
(E- Jr. Arts Center)


Student/Worker Occupations Panel
(Barnsdall Gallery Theater)

Indigenous Resistance
(Grassy Area reserved for large crowd gathering, as follow-up discussion space after Indigenous Resistance panel)

“Radical Queer Politics”
By Byron
(A – Vista Area)

“Radical Sexuality” a discussion about the state’s regulation of sexuality, bodies, desires, relationships and the subversiveness of Radical sex culture”
By Kate
(B- Video Room)

“Pirate Radio”
By Marco
(C- Gallery South)

“Artists” To Be Confirmed
(D- Theater Garden)

“Finding Autonomy within the Birthing Industrial Complex”
By Toi and Rebecca
(E- Jr. Arts Center)


Student Occupations and other Radical Proposals
(Grassy Area reserved for large crowd gathering, as follow-up discussion space after Student Occupations panel)

“Earth First!”
(A – Vista Area)

“Strikes, Occupations & Rebellion: Greece, South Korea & the Global Class War”
Films screening and post-panel discussion on Worker Occupations
By Insane Dialectical Posse
(B- Video Room)

“A discussion on the so called fixing of school budgets and the privatization of prisons”
By Critical Resistance
(C- Gallery South)

“Youth Workshop” To Be Confirmed
(D- Theater Garden)

“Radical Feminist Anatomy” the history of radical feminist women’s health movement, followed by and exchange of natural health tips for women.
By Pati Garcia and Carol Downer
(E- Jr. Arts Center)

(Time and Locations Vary. Please see whiteboard at bookfair for details)

“Tree Climbing Workshop “
By Earth First!

“Martial Arts/ Self Defense”

“Live Art”
By Fishe

“Food !! “
By Food Not Bombs

By Los Angeles Childcare Collective

“Bike Kitchen Mobile Workshop”
By the Bike Kitchen

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