LA Hungry 4 Education


The flyer pretty much sums it up ; Lincoln High School Teachers/Faculty and more are protesting @ Lincoln High School through the evening…and into the morning. This is late notice but  be sure to spread the word that such an ACTION is happening. These sort of ACTIONS lose any power if no one knows about them! This also late news but bestselling writer, Luis J. Rodriguez, author of “Always Running” will be there at 8pm tonight!

Follow this link for more info.

8 thoughts on “LA Hungry 4 Education

  1. Lincoln High School was were the blowouts of the 60’s started, maybe it’s time for a new blowout.

  2. im all for voicing your side..but the majority of California voters voted against the propositions that would have help avoid budget cuts.

    I personally voted in favor of the propositions.
    I dont mind taxes being raised, i just spend less,etc.

    But now the way this has turned out- the state really has no other choice but to cut drastically.

    I mean if no money is coming in to cover the costs, then you have to stop spending.

    It sucks,and not in a good way.

    but that is the harsh reality and truth.

    I dont blame the governor.

    I blame the legislators up in Sacramento as well as the CA voters.

    I mean otherwise, if you go to a public school are you willing to pay more money to cover the fiscal shortage?

    -Thats what kids at private schools, parochial schools do.
    Have fundraisers!
    The Catholic schools have that down pat, from candy sales,holiday catalogs, spring festivals,etc.

  3. The fine print of those propositions made it to where the money never would have made it to where it was supposed to be going. The whole stupid election was nothing more than a sideshow for the GOP in Cali to say, “Look, see? People are fiscally conservative. We told ya so..”. Not one of those propositions guaranteed funds. They all had stipulations. A real proposition calls for immediate funding. Agree with you on blaming capitol legislators, though. I guess if you can blame the voters for anything, it’s that they didn’t make a symbolic yes vote that wouldn’t have ever come to fruition, anyway. If those propositions pass, these cuts at schools like Lincoln still take place. What our legislators need to do is have the balls to raise the taxes on California’s wealthiest residents, even if it means rolling back prop 13, which was once considered a third rail. Not anymore, especially if it’s only applied to those making more than 200k. Businesses pulling in more than that per year always threaten to cut jobs and raise prices when that happens but they never really do, at least not because of that. There’s always a business that will come in and undercut them, and that’s the dirty secret they don’t want you to know. Then they have no choice but to lower their prices again. This already happened, in the 1990s, and all that resulted was the most prosperous economy our country had ever seen. We also need to release all non violent drug offenders from all jails and prisons at every level. We also have to scale back enforcement of personal drug use, which the state is currently spending millions on. Legalizing marijuana for all adults, without prescription, would have us out of the budget mess within months but it’s still too radical. Too many fucking idiots out there who are more afraid of the very same people who are smoking pot today suddenly being able to do it legally than they are of the state going bankrupt. This is the type of insanity that’s bankrupting the state, this and the incessant need to put more people in prison.

  4. Right on Rob Thomas, the governator is a slave and lackey to the prison guards union and the prison industrial complex, if Ahnold had his prioritys straight he would be cutting back on the billions we Ca taxpayers spend on bullshit prisons filled with non violent offenders and support public schools that can make a difference.
    Whats it going to be? Good public education or nada, which typically means more kids on the street and future chow for the prison industrial complex.

  5. I read of a simple way to undo prop 13. Give seniors a tax credit, so their property taxes don’t go up. Everyone else pays the regular tax, whatever it ends up being. This is what other states do.

    Maybe the change could be combined with other changes to taxes. Keep the property tax at 1%, but have property values reassessed over the next 5 years or so, businesses first, residences last. At the same time, reduce the sales taxes.

    Oh yeah, I had an idea for teachers, but they won’t like it. Demand no cuts, but make concessions. Extend the work day and have more classes. Class sizes will be small. Kids behind grade level will get some more time to catch up. the after school programs… aren’t needed, because there won’t be much “after”. They can add some government, economics, and labor classes to study this totally screwed up situation. It’s a teachable moment.

  6. I just couldn’t imagine giving a shit about paying a little bit more in taxes if I lived in a mansion at Laguna Beach, and cleared millions per year. They say that the more money you have, the greedier and stingier you get. It has to be true. Because nothing else explains their attitude toward moderate tax increases. It just makes no sense from where I’m standing.

  7. DQ, the thing about Arnie is that I expected it from him. California elects a Republican as governor, and the prisons are going to have a license to print money. California Republicans, while claiming to be fiscal conservatives, have proven that they’re willing to bankrupt the state throwing money at prisons and street surveillance. What’s worse is all of the Democrats who cave into the prison cabal, like Jerry Brown. He’s a smart politician, got to give him that. Throw as much money toward law enforcement as possible, while being liberal on every other issue. The handbook of being a lifetime politician in California.

  8. Prop 13 is the problem, at least some people recognize that.

    All you have to do is repeal it for businesses. That would be step1. Then slowly phase it in for rich individuals.

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