back from Puerto Rico and right back in it…

I will write a trip review later, but this is for the now.

I will be on KPCC 89.3 FM today between 5 and 6 pm. Tune in! Below is info from their website.

Don’t forget our upcoming panels:

Saturday August 23rd Panel #5 at Adrian’s house 420 Boyle St. 6:30pm, ARTIST AS DJ

Wednesday August 27th Panel #6 at G727 6:30pm, POWER TOOLS mixshow Panel and 16 th Birthday Party

Web Resources

* KCET Web story “Backyard Parties: A Brief History of DJ Culture in Southern California”

89.3 FM KPCC

Gallery Exhibit Explores East Los Angeles D.J. Culture
Adolfo Guzman-Lopez
August 22, 2008

DJ culture, with its turntables, record scratching, and fashions, is ever-present in mainstream television, movies and advertising. An exhibit at a downtown L.A. gallery argues that East L.A. DJ’s as far back as 30 years ago and the Eastside parties where they played constitute an overlooked chapter of DJ culture. KPCC’s Adolfo Guzman-Lopez reports about the gallery’s efforts to unearth cultural history

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