Danny Trejo

Machete Star Danny Trejo Mini-Doc by Estevan Oriol from SA Studios Global on Vimeo

I know that everyone is gonna go see the Machete movie when it comes out this weekend. Don’t lie, you know you are. While this may seem like shameless promotion on my part, it’s really not. Well actually it kinda is because I come out in this video 😀 Aside from that, it’s a great little video about Trejo talking about coming full circle not only with the movie, but his career up to this point and how he’s managed to stay down to earth. I met him and talked to him for a second during the Lifestyle Car Club picnic a few weeks ago at Elysian Park. Without a doubt, the man is a class act. One hard ass looking vato, but sweet as a grandpa. Here’s another video of Trejo and Mr. Cartoon talking about low rider life style rollin’ down Whittier Blvd.

6 thoughts on “Danny Trejo

  1. Been a Machete fan since the nascent “Spy Kids” days. Let’s see how the masses react to this film. Already there are negative rants online about it’s content. Can’t wait.

  2. Was reading the Machete piece in today’s Calendar section this morning and I told my husband that Danny Trejo was quoted as saying “It’s an honor to be the first Latino superhero.” To which our four-year-old said, “Who’s a superhero? Him?!”

    And Al, let’s try for a double-date to catch the film. 🙂

  3. Machete!!! Danny Trejo’s a very sweet man.. I met him at Lincoln park a few years back for a Health Fair/ Car Show…He greeted every person that came right up to him…I’ve enjoyed seeing him in movies such as “Spy Kids”, “Con-Air”, “Mi Vida Loca”, “Heat”,and the list goes on…..

  4. Danny Trejo deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award. If Hollywood doesn’t recognize this “Bad Ass” vato it is their loss. Let me tell Mr. Danny Trejo that Chicanos and Mexicanos all over the world congratulate you on your long succesfull carrier in film and television.


  5. I’ve always respected Danny Trejo as an actor. He just chooses those roles that don’t make him look like a sell out and he never looses his coolness in the roles he plays.
    After seeing some of the short clips here of Trejo and Mr. Cartoon I can also say I respect him as a person too. It doesn’t seem like Hollywood has gone to his head and he seems so down to Earth despite all his success.

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