Random act of kindness


Very few times in my life I am left speechless because I’m the kind of person that’ll have something to say about anything, even though I may not know what the hell I’m saying. That results in me putting my foot in my mouth and pissing someone off. Nonetheless I was treated to something special last Friday in the form of a tremendous and generous gift. Someone read my post about getting a laptop and paying for school and while I got some interesting comments and reactions from readers and colleagues, someone answered my call. This person wanted to remain anonymous, but nonetheless, I can’t ignore their random generosity. In a nutshell, they had got this laptop for for themselves a while back and never ended up using it. They read my post and thought to themselves, “This computer was meant for ERH.” Well I don’t know about that but I’m none the less EXTREMELY GRATEFUL and APPRECIATIVE of the fact that someone out in cyberlandia read what I posted, felt where I was coming from and decided to help a brotha out.  It’s not everyday that I’m on the receiving end of random generosity, so I’m left speechless. Thank you. I’ll no longer be at school 6 to 7 hours because I need to type up homework, blog or do other random online stuff. Now I’ll be able to go to free wifi hotspots, chill, check my email and blog in peace and serenity. I’m super stoked about this, I can hardly contain myself. Gracias. I’m still trippping out on all this.

14 thoughts on “Random act of kindness

  1. What kind of fairy tale ending is thing? Nothing is supposed to work out…haha….

    See ERH the universe will provide people with what they need. The universe doesn’t want you to suffer and if you believe it’s not your place to suffer, that your place is to fly and be successful things will work out. Everything always works out if you want it to. Now we need a generous lawyer who will help with your other problem.

    I’m so happy for you ERH I still can’t believe someone told you in the initial post to use a typewriter…

    And whoever helped ERH you’re an awesome human being.


  2. And now you don’t need a girlfriend anymore. You have a laptop that you can use in the privacy of your own home…that’s going to save you lots of money, because laptops don’t get hungry or want another drink or care if you remember their birthday. Laptops love you unconditionally.


  3. Well I don’t know about that one B. That gf thing is not something I’m stressin’ about. Although I have been talking to others and getting my head on straight. Mostly with Victoria who is a wise Jedi master. She says that everyone is respocible for their own orgasm. So true. I have much to learn in the ways of the “force.”

  4. You’ve reminded me of one of my favorite songs

    “Orgasm Addict” by The Buzzcocks:
    Well you tried it just for once found it all right for kicks,
    But now you found out that it’s a habit that sticks,
    And you’re an orgasm addict, you’re an orgasm addict,
    Sneaking in the back door with dirty magazines.
    Now your mother wants to know what all those stains on your jeans.

    —I’ve turned this clean conversation into something dirty, I’m sorry. Sort of…Browne

  5. even with la crisis people are still willing to give. i am sure who ever gave you the laptop, probably could have sold it, but instead gave it to you. good to know there ares still really kind people out there

  6. Wow, lots of props to the generous donor! I didn’t think your plea would work Random but perhaps I guess I’m too cynical! It’s amazing how this one action can so positively transform your everyday experience. Yay!
    With La Crisis in mind, it would be great if more exchanges like this could take place. I have so much stuff I no longer want, I’m thinking of having a big potlatch party or something. Or a yard sale with no prices or sales.

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